Why is it so important to drink water to lose weight??

I'm wondering why it's so important to drink alot of water. I know the obvious, to flush the kidneys and get the toxins out of the body...but why do they say that weight loss slows down if you don't drink enough water? What sense does that make? Food is fuel to make your body run, what fuel isn't needed is stored as fat (gaining weight) and if you don't put fuel in your body, it has to find it somewhere else so it burns fat cells (losing weight) for fuel. So that's how you achieve weight what in the heck does water have to do with that equation??? Why isn't enough water to satisfy your thirst just "good enough"? How much do we really need to avoid a plateau? Do other people out there have no desire to drink water or liquids or is it just me? I have an appetite, just no thirst very much.    — Connie B. (posted on January 30, 2004)

January 30, 2004
Hey I find I'm not very thristy either but I've been told that if you are hungry a lot then you need to drink something cause your body is craving water or drink.
   — Kathy L.

January 30, 2004
Disinterest in drinking fluid is actually a sign of severe dehydration. You might need to go to the emergency room for an IV. I'd call the Dr. immediately.
   — mrsmyranow

January 30, 2004
Besides calling your Dr... Here's my advice... I'm sure your nutritionist told you the dangers of dehydration. At the very least you may develop kidney stones. Other side affects can range from liver damage to heart problems. Do this. Do not eat breakfast until you drink 16oz of decaffeinated, sugar free fluid. Do not eat lunch until you drink 16oz of decaffeinated, sugar free fluid. Do not eat dinner until you drink 16 oz of decaffeinated, sugar free fluid. Do not go to sleep until you drink another 16 oz of decaffeinated, sugar free fluid. That guarantees your minimum.
   — mrsmyranow

January 30, 2004
Ok I don't mean to be flipant will NOT lose weight without water. The fat doesn't just evaporate into thin air! You have to literally flush it out of your body. So many people notice a difference in their stools, because it is flushing tons of fat out of your body. And yes, it flushes toxins out too(fat becomes a toxin with this surgery). Also, the other poster was right, you WILL develop kidney stones if you don't drink enough. It is VERY VERY important to drink at least 90 oz of water a day. If you are not drinking you will lose muscle mass, you will cause problems in your kidneys and your liver. So, my advice?! CHUG-A-LUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   — Jeanne S.

January 30, 2004
DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK. 1.5 yrs post op (-170lb) I STILL drink up to 100oz a day. I can tell when my water intake is down, because I feel hungry!. I would rather go without food than water at this point. Half the time that I think I'm hungry, it turns out I was thirsty. In other words, I really have no idea WHY it is so important to the weight loss process, but WATER IS A COMMANDMENT in my mind.....
   — Debby M.

January 31, 2004
I don't know all the exact mechanics in the body needing water as a fluid, but I can assure you that as a medical researcher we found that our subjects in almost all studies that did not drink water vs. those that did drink the nearly recommended amount of water just simply DID NOT DO WELL. Almost every body function needs water - including aging, where we found our worst subjects along with substance abuse. I love the stuff - with a spot of lemon or lime or just plain cold - Also, it is good for your skin, hair and digestive system. Try sipping and not drinking you will be surprised how much you will eventually consume daily.
   — Anna M.

January 31, 2004
Here's the rule of three: 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food. We can live for alot longer without food than without water. Most chemical reactions in the body take place in a watery environment. <p> Here's an interesting link about the importance of water in weight loss: <p>
   — Ali M

January 31, 2004
It booss your metoblism
   — barbara A.

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