How long is the recovery for breast reduction?

I have a consultation set up for breast reduction surgery. I still am a 40 D sometimes a DD depending on the style of the bra. I work out a lot and want to start running but nothing holds me (them!!) down. I have a lot of pain across my shoulders and in order to have any support - hold them up!- I have to wear an extremely tight bra and by the end of the day... it is misery. The straps dig in etc. How's the recovery from this type of surgery and what can I expect. Can it be done on an outpatient basis. I was back to work in two weeks after an open rny and one week after a large hernia repair. I am in my vehicle alot driving and have a desk job otherwise. No kids just me and my husband - who is very supportive ..and (2) dogs.    — debmi (posted on September 25, 2004)

September 25, 2004
It sounds like you have a pretty high pain threshold. I had mine done about 15 years ago when they actually had you in the hospital overnight. Don't know what they do now. I got put in something like a fitted corset, wore that for two weeks, it helps shape the final result. Then, just no underwires, ever. I was back to work in about 3 weeks, but should have waited another because my job involves a lot of arm movement. Anything that requires reaching overhead, or the up and out movement of the arms was painful. If your desk job lets you have your arms at the side and do typing, for example, it wouldn't be as bad. I wasn't allowed to drive for 2 weeks. Your husband might be needed to walk the dogs, pulling on the leashes will hurt. One thing, don't worry that the way they look just after surg is the final. There's a lot of settling in during the first 2-3 months, and they will go from Madonna cones to something more natural. Hope this helps some.
   — Liz R.

September 25, 2004
It sounds like you have a pretty high pain threshold. I had mine done about 15 years ago when they actually had you in the hospital overnight. Don't know what they do now. I got put in something like a fitted corset, wore that for two weeks, it helps shape the final result. Then, just no underwires, ever. I was back to work in about 3 weeks, but should have waited another because my job involves a lot of arm movement. Anything that requires reaching overhead, or the up and out movement of the arms was painful. If your desk job lets you have your arms at the side and do typing, for example, it wouldn't be as bad. I wasn't allowed to drive for 2 weeks. Your husband might be needed to walk the dogs, pulling on the leashes will hurt. One thing, don't worry that the way they look just after surg is the final. There's a lot of settling in during the first 2-3 months, and they will go from Madonna cones to something more natural. Hope this helps some.
   — Liz R.

September 25, 2004
I had BR surgery 9 months ago and my recovery was really easy. It was same day surgery and I went home about 2 hours after I woke up. As far as the pain, on a scale of 1 to 10, it was mabye 2 or 3. It was more of a discomfort than actual pain. I wasn't able to lift anything over 5 pounds for at least 3 weeks, per my doctor's instructions. Also I couldn't bend over or raise my arms over my head in that period as well. Overall I would say that this surgery was very managable. Good luck and congratulations.
   — Stephanie W.

September 26, 2004
I had mine done this pass july. Was off work two weeks. It was done outpatient.. in at 730 out before 5pm. I was driving within the week. You should do fine,.
   — star .

September 27, 2004
I had my surgery done 6 years before I did WLS. I went from a 44F to a 44B. What a relief it was. You will feel slight pulling afterwards. Try not to do laundry or move your arms much. I was doing laundry and going on the treadmill the next day and I think my scares underneath are much larger because I didn't let the wounds heal enough. If you move around alot then the scars will stretch and get thicker. If you take it easy you will have a nice thin scar. After 6 years the scars are barely noticeable at all but I know they would have looked alot better if I hadn't gone on the treadmill and did laundry right away. Good luck. You will love the results. And I do love jogging now. Nothing there to bounce. Nancy
   — NL

September 27, 2004
I had breast reduction in 1994 and now 10 years later going for WLS. I went from a size 44F to a size 42C-D. Atfirst you will wear a ace bandage aroun your chest. I rember waking up thinking Oh my God they took them all. I was very flat because the bandage was very tight. I stayed in the hopsital for two days. One day had the surgery stayed for additonal day and then went home. I was hired for a Nursing assistant job the following week and went to work because I needed the money. I was fortunate not to have to lift anyone. I think you will be fine to go back after a week to a desk job. Just be sure to care for your incision. I hope that you will love the results as much as I did. Good Luck
   — JerseyGirl

September 27, 2004
hi there i am three weeks post op from breast reduction/lift surgery I am BIG whimp and i was off the pain meds buy the beginning of the 2nd week i had tapered off to tynenol with codine by then too i am still having a little discomfort with wearing a bra on the scars but it getts better each day. i still do not lift my young sons but drive with no problem i had help the first two weeks and i loved it... it was the second best thing to wls i have ever done for my self... good luck
   — alexjakemom

September 27, 2004
I am 7 weeks post op from breast lift/reduction surgery. It was a piece of cake. My surgery was done outpatient and I was home about 4 hours after the surgery. I actually had a pain pump inserted for the first 2 days so I felt nothing but soreness like I had been exercising for 20 years without stopping. I was back at work in one week-no lifting of any kind! Now, the only problem I have is itching of the scar tissue and bras sometimes aggravate them but other than that, it was a really easy surgery. Sonya ORNY 11/26/04 244/148/135
   — Sonya B.

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