Anyone used Metabolife post-op to get over plataeu's?

Anyone with input?? Seems to help during really slow periods. I'm 13 months post-op and loosing really slow. Doc said it's because I was already doing most of the right stuff pre-op. Exercise, healthy food etc. I just eat too much at times of stress. The surgery did it's magic but even though I can't and don't eat nearly as much as I used to, I still have 50= lbs to goal and I'm afraid my windoe will close before I get even close.    — jiggers (posted on July 10, 2000)

July 10, 2000
It's so frustrating when thins finally start to slow down. I had the same problem. I tried Metabolife. I only lost about 5 additional pounds. What did work was excercising in your "zone" at least 5 day's a week. I mean really sweating you butt off. I also started drinking the flavored waters. No salt or sugar. I drink about 7-10 glasses a day. I was able to lose those last pounds. Good luck.
   — Juli T.

July 11, 2000
I couldn't recommend Metabolife or any other of the "All Natural" diet pills that are on the market. They contain ephedrine which is extremely dangerous. It raises your blood pressure and heart rate. I would advise against it.
   — Tina H.

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