Need help regarding breast lift surgery

I am just starting to look into having a breast lift/reduction. I would like to hear from others who have had this done. Are you glad you did it? How painful is the recovery? Did you lose all feeling in your breasts afterward? How bad is the scarring? Also,if any one happens to have before & after pix,it would be appreciated. Thanks!    — [Anonymous] (posted on May 21, 2001)

May 22, 2001
I had breast reduction surgery several years ago. I had my LAP surgery five weeks ago, but I'm sure the post-op recovery would be pretty much the same. I have a scar from armpit to armpit and up both breasts and around the nipples. It was definitely worth having it done. I was having numbness & tingling down my arm and migraine headaches due to the heaviness of my breasts. All of that disappeared after surgery. I have a small area of numbness around one nipple, but other than that everything healed OK. I wouldn't say recovery was painful, but sometimes uncomfortable. If you would like more information, please e-mail me at [email protected]
   — debathens

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