Sex Drive of Post op Males

Since surgery 6 mos ago, I have not had any menstual cycles and I have no libido at all! My husband is very supportive but is beginning to think I don't love him any more. I do love him and am attracted to him but no interst in sex right now. This seems to be a common problem with the ladies of WLS but I was wondering if you men who have had the surgery are feeling loss of sex drive too?    — [Anonymous] (posted on May 31, 2001)

May 31, 2001
I am a male had surgery 3 months ago and I have had sex more in the past 4 weeks than in the past 4 years!!
   — [Anonymous]

May 31, 2001
Well I did'nt for around two weeks but I do now! (It's been alittle over three weeks now). But my situation is alittle different than the other guys as I am a post op female to male transsexual who has just had the open rny. I think the difference is the testosterone. I have to take it. I'm sure that's why I have a drive now, as after surgery that would normally be the last thing I would think of! lol. Anyway, I would suggest you see your regular doctor and see if you can get on some "LOW" levels of testosterone. When ladies have a low sex drive they do well on it. However, it has to be very low as you will get some "unwanted changes" in your body. You need to find someone who knows what they are doing because if they don't and give you to much you will get some irreversable effects. This is the first time I've written anonymously as I'm not sure if my honesty would be offensive to others here. And I am not an "in your face" person at all. I hope that it is evident, and that my advice is not offensive ether. I do think you need to see a doctor about this. Good luck.
   — [Anonymous]

May 31, 2001
Just a thought, I am wondering if the folks who notice a change in decreased libido (regardless of gender) are taking an antidepressand such a Prozac. If so it may be that the drug is being absorbed differently and is now causing some side effects that you didn't have before.
   — [Anonymous]

May 31, 2001
No, I do not use any type of antidepressants. I am thinking it is related to loss of estrogen in females. I know blood pressure meds sometimes cause a problem in males but does it in females? I use Avapro for bp but the meds have been cut in half since WLS surgery. Anybody have a solution? I have heard of "Niagra" for both sexes....a blue herbal concoction like a sparkling water.....where do you buy it?????
   — [Anonymous]

May 31, 2001
First of all, this is in answer to the "Niagra" question. I believe that the only place right now that has it is in Georgia around the Atlanta area. It is supposed to be coming nationwide. Good luck finding it as I have heard that it's off the shelves as soon as it gets there. I have one other comment. I read the person's answer who was a transexual and the statement that he didn't know if his answer would be well recieved. Geez, who are WE to judge you? You are a vital human being who made a life choice and NO ONE should judge you for that at all. I honestly believe that most people on this site have alot of empathy and tolerance of differences in people and never should you have to feel that you have to hide the true you if you want to express something. As for us knowing your past, certainly, that is your decision and one we all should applaud you and feel grateful to you for feeling like you can share that with us. Good luck to all, Barbara
   — Barbara H.

June 1, 2001
You can get Niagra at It's the only online retailer for this product. I'd be interested to know if it really works for low libido. I think we all suffer with a drop in libido at times just due to the grind of daily life. Good luck. Sady
   — Sandy 2.

June 1, 2001
I asked my pcp about weight loss and estrogen. He said women lose estrogen as we lose weight. You may want to have your estrogen level checked because this may be why you are not having your periods and a have low sex drive.
   — [Anonymous]

June 4, 2001
I had WLS in April and I have noticed that my sex drive is noticably lower than before. I am not on anti-depressants.
   — [Anonymous]

February 12, 2003
I had sex about a week after surgery. Yes, I still had my staples in. My sex drive has not diminished at all. I'm actually kind of curious to see how much it will increase as my weight drops. I should add I have always had a very high sex drive.
   — Lance F.

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