My dr. wants me to have a high protein fruit drink...what is that?

During the first seven days (clear liquid diet)...he wants me to have 27 oz. of a high protein fruit beverage a day.....I dont know what he means. Cannot be Ensure or Boost...those arent clear right? HELP.    — Cherie K. (posted on September 2, 2001)

September 2, 2001
I think this a question your doc's dietician should be able to answer for you. I am not familiar with a protein drink that is clear and high protein. kathy
   — kathleen S.

September 2, 2001
Actually I just returned to GNC some clear fruit protein drinks. Pure Pro has 45grams of protein and comes in grape, fruit punch and strawberry banana. I have tried alot of protein drinks but couldn't quite gag this one down. It is SOOO sweet. Maybe it won't taste so bad to you but the place to get it is GNC. It is already mixed in bright yellow and purple plastic containers. GOOD LUCK
   — Janet A.

September 2, 2001
Mix a protein powder (such as Designer Protein) with Crystal Lite.
   — [Anonymous]

September 2, 2001
Check at GNC for Pure Pro and I think Isopure. At the stores I go to they are in a refrigerated case. Just be careful to read the label because they also keep the high carb drinks in the same case. I couldn't drink the powders or shake-like protein drinks. These fruit flavored ones were the only kind I could get down. I think there is also a fruit flavored powder that you can get that is cheaper than the pre-mixed bottles. The reason you can't have Ensure or Boost is that they contain too much sugar. Check with Michelle Curran she is the greatest source of information on protein supps. that I know of.
   — georgiacarol

September 2, 2001
I often use Zero-Carb Isopure in ready to drink bottles. I buy them at GNC. They are kind of expensive, (I usually pay $3.50 a bottle, but then I use a GNC gold card and get 20% off my total) but they are much more tolerable than some of the other pre-mixed protein drinks. They are clear and come in several flavors. I like the fruit punch best, and then the grape.
   — Maria H.

September 2, 2001
I was on the same stuff. I had resource Protein drink it was ok for the first few days and then it made me really sick so I still have a full case if anyone is intrested. It came in flavors like Peach,Orange,and wildberry Not the best tasting stuff to me !!
   — Heather G.

September 2, 2001
Hi, I have available from my website a really good protein fruit juice. The flavors are Pineapple orange, peach mango, wildberry passion, grape, grapefruit, lemon, orange. They taste really good and are inexpensive. Access my website through my profile page. Thanks Michelle Funk, RN
   — Michelle F.

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