What should I expect to lose? Will I meet my goal weight?

I started at 245, 5 feet tall. My doctor told me to be happy to get down to 140. According to all the charts, my goal weight should be 120. Am I crazy to expect to go below 140 and reach 120?    — LaDonna W. (posted on February 3, 2002)

February 3, 2002
LaDonna - I started out at 230 lbs and was 5' tall (currently my height dropped to 4'11 3/4"). I am now 5 months post op and have lost 76 lbs. My doctor says I could get down to 106 lbs (I don't think I even weighed that much at birth!!) I have set my own personal goal of 130. The weight that you set for yourself is determined on how you look at that number or especially how you feel. I don't go by the "charts", because they also don't take into consideration our body frame and build. 120 might look absolutely fabulous on you, but then again, 130 or even 140 may also. Good luck and congrats!!
   — trtorrey

February 3, 2002
I think the answer is up to you. If you really want to get down to 120, you probably can, but you have to work at it. You may decide, when you get there, that 140 is OK for you. Someone else mentioned here recently, but it also may be that the doctor doesn't want to set a really goal weight for you, so they don't set up unrealistic expectations.
   — garw

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