Post op tummy tuck help

I'm three and a half weeks out from my abdominoplasty & have a few questions.. How long did you continue to wear a binder? Mine is losing much of its shape (it rolls down all the time)& I'm wondering if I should pick up a new one or if I won't need to wear it that much longer. Also, how long did it take for the swelling & excess fluid to go away so you were able to see your final results? Did many of you use Vit E or other products on you scar & if so, what did you use? Thanks.    — Kathy W. (posted on April 28, 2002)

April 27, 2002
Kathy, I had to wear my binder for three weeks and then a tall girdle like garment for three months. I had a panni so my muscles wear not touched maybe this is why I didn't notice much swelling. My belly did start to feel back to normal after a couple of months. The doctor did say it could be six months before I saw the final results.
   — Helen C.

May 28, 2002
You should ask your surgeon how long he'd like you to wear your binder. There are some surgeons who don't require wearing of any binder for any length of time and then there are surgeons that like to see their patients wear a binder for as long as 6-8 weeks. I wore mine for 8 weeks...I had 2 different ones that I switched between so I could wash one while I was wearing the other. One was provided, the other I bought. There are several companies online that sell binders ( is one). <br> As for swelling and final results...that could take up to a year for swelling to no longer be an issue and to see your final results. Some days I'm quite swollen and other days I'm not. It does seem to help to drink water and keep salt intake down, but then heavy exercise or activity will increase the swelling. Be patient with your body as it heals!!<br> You could also check with your PS about creams/products to use on your scar. I think the biggest thing is to keep the skin moisturized.<br> Best wishes on your healing!
   — Tricia I.

September 15, 2004
I had abdominoplasty on 8/12/04. I am still pretty swollen. Doc says I might be for up to one year. He told me to wear the binder for three months.
   — Beth F.

September 15, 2004
I'd definitely run these questions by your doc first, of course. That said, my PS was one of those who recommended wearing the binder for just a week, but I'm a nervous wanna-be worry-wonk so based on my own reading elsewhere, I bought a compression garment from that I plan to wear during the day for the first three months post-op. (I'm 7 weeks post-op from the LBL now, the swelling has gone way down compared to three weeks out but it's still there to some degree every day.) I also bought a binder at the pharmacy; I wear it at night and at the gym, because the one I came home with is too big and rolls down (like yours) and just looks too *surgical* (read: the old blood stains still won't come out in the wash, lol).<P>In the past I never bothered much with scar treatments, but I'm giving Mederma a whirl this time because well, an LBL with vertical incision is a whole lotta scar, and I want to feel that I at least tried something on it. (Come to think of it though, I used Vitamin E for a couple of months on one of my other scars, which happened to keloid, and it faded eventually -- on the other hand there are other scars I used nothing on and whether or not they keloided, they *all* faded eventually n no matter what I did. I think it's all so individual it's hard to say what's worth doing and what isn't? I dunno. Anyway, I can't say yet whether Mederma is worth it 'cause I'm just seven weeks post-op at this point, but the manufacturer recommends using it on a fresh scar for the first 8 weeks post-op. It's expensive, though, especially with big scars!
   — Suzy C.

September 15, 2004
I think every plastic surgeon has a different idea on the post op treatment. I did not have a binder or any support garment for the first two weeks. Then my PS told me to find a support garment that I felt comfortable in and wear that during the day. So, I found some high waisted panty girdles that I really like and are comfortable. I have some sweeling in my upper thighs and abdomen,especially at the end of the day (I have a desk job). I am about 6 weeks post-abdominoplasty. I am using a scar gel on my incision and my new belly button twice a day, but I usually don't have real visible scars, so it's not a big deal to me. (Had a partial thyroidectomy 4 years ago and the scar is not visible.) I personally did not use anything other than soap and water on my incision until it was completely healed. It's probably best to ask you PS what to do.
   — koogy

January 11, 2005
i was told to wear the binder for 6 weeks then wean myself off and only have it on at night. portsmouth gave me a second one because my other was so stretched out. you should ask your doctor what he would suggest. but me myself i would wear it for the 6 weeks. i am 5 weeks post op tt and arm lift. good luck.
   — Barbara M.

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