Will the tummy tuck cause the breasts to sag further?

Okay, don't laugh. I am four weeks out from the tummy tuck and the thought occured to me...wouldn't this procedure make the boobs sag further? It would seem if they are pulling the skin from the tummy down to smooth things out, that it would pull the upper part down as well. Of course after losing over 100 pounds I don't have much "perk" in that department as it is, but I was just wondering.    — Poppy W. (posted on May 12, 2002)

May 12, 2002
They may seem lower, but the connection is really unaltered. However, this question is relevant to me because I am undergoing my 'tummy tuck' and a mastopexy tomorrow. The mastopexy (uplifting my saggy boobies) is covered by insurance because they will be removing 500g of tissue (about 1 pound). I will let you know how it all turns out. Maybe you could consider that...
   — merri B.

May 13, 2002
OK, I am not a Doctor, but I don't think the TT would affect breast droopage. The skin that is pulled down has to be detatched from the underlying tissues. The skin in the actual breast area wouldn't be detatched & therefore (it seems to me) wouldn't be pulled down or moved. I am just a bit ahead of you at 5 weeks out & I don't see any difference in my degree of perk (or lack of same!). Sure wish I was having the lift Merri mentioned. I'm very jealous.....but I think if they removed 1/2 pound on each, I would be concave!
   — Kathy W.

January 31, 2003
Hi. A tummy tuck DOES pull the upper abdominal skin down, but the connections of the skin to the chest wall are not disturbed, so the breasts "stay put." There may be a difference in the appearance of the breasts with your new, flat stomach. Often a breast lift and tummy tuck are done together.
   — DrL

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