Will an abdominoplasty lessen the appearance of an Open RNY vertical scar?

I was wondering if an abdominoplasty would dimminsh the appearance of the vertical (up and down) scar since excess skin will be pulled down to smooth out the abdomen area?    — Poppy W. (posted on May 14, 2002)

May 14, 2002
I am wondering the same thing. My scars is about 5 inches long about 6 inches above my belly button.
   — Dawn H.

May 16, 2002
I had a TT or abdominoplasty about 6 weeks ago. My rny scar actually got larger. Before it stopped just below my navel, now it goes all the way down to my pubic area. It got pink again, too, I imagine from all the swelling, but it has pretty much gone back to its previous light color as the swelling is gradually decreasing. The scar is now straighter & flatter & the skin on my belly is nice & flat & smooth instead of the drapey, pulled way it was before.
   — Kathy W.

December 27, 2002
I'm having my abdominoplasty in four days. Because my vertical scar from open RNY is noticeably red, puffy and corded, the surgeon included a request for insurance to cover the shots you can get to flatten out the scar and lighten it. My pcp had told me he could do it for me, but it sounded rather painful, don't you think? So the surgeon brought the possibility up, insurance said okee-dokee, and I'll get the shots to lessen the scarring while I'm under anesthesia.
   — photographer45

April 18, 2003
My plastic surgeon is very excited that I have such a long RNY scar, it goes from belly button to breast bone. he is going to open that back up and pull the skin in from the sides. He will be doing a fleur de lis cut, kind of diamond shaped cut on my abdomen and said my results will be a very hourglass type figure when he is done. he will do a revision on the scar, it will be shorter and neater.
   — Michelle B.

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