I need encouragement. I need reassurance. I need my AMOS family!

Well, I'm depressed. I just talked to a lady friend who had her surgery and is 4 months post op. She is down 91 bs. WOW!! I am 7 months post op and down 80 lbs., which I thought was good until I heard of her success. So tell me I'm still doing okay, and not to compare, that I WILL get to goal. I just got bummed. Happy for her, of course. Just a little disappointed in myself. Cheer me up.    — Annie H. (posted on May 30, 2002)

May 30, 2002
Annie - I just passed 10 months out and I'm down 98 pounds...lots less loss than many others. Still, am I happy to be almost 100 pounds lighter than I was 10 months ago - you bet!! While I haven't been the "perfect post op" like other people maybe have been (I eat some sweets and fats - and I don't exercise much), I also recognize that some people just lose faster than others. You are doing great!!! Celebrate your success and keep up the good work! Best to you. OPEN RNY 7/17/01, -98, 39 to go.
   — blee01

May 30, 2002
I'll be more then happy to trade places with you - I'm still pre-op and steadily gaining weight. I know it's very hard not to expect the absolute best you've seen from others, but just compare your weight loss to what it would have been had you not had the surgery and that should give you some good perspective. I'm so jealous everytime I hear about post-ops weight loss (even if it s only 5 pounds in 2 months) because I've completely given up trying to loss weight any other way (I always felt like such a big failure when I would gain back what little I had lost along with 10 to 20 pounds more). Congratulations and just keep doing whatever you've been doing, it's obviously working.
   — Elva C.

May 30, 2002
Ahh, yes, the green eyed monster of envy. I went through this really bad about 12-18 months out when all the people who had surgery at the same time I did were at goal weight and I still had 100 pounds to go, nevermind that I had lost 200 pounds to their 130. Be gentle with yourself...remember the bigger we are, the more quickly we lose it at the beginning. Also, use this as an opportunity to see how you deal with competition. I am VERY competitive and quit going to my support group I was so peeved. Now I see how that same competitiveness affects other areas of my life that I didn't see before. Chin(s) up, girlfriend, you'll get there. Good Luck!
   — merri B.

May 30, 2002
I always believed that the rate of loss depended on the calories consumed prior to surgery. If you were a big eater prior to surgery, you will lose faster than someone who gained weight without being a major over eater. How many calories are you reducing between pre op and post op, determines your rate of loss. My opinion only.
   — faybay

May 30, 2002
I agree with Fay!!! I was a VERY heavy eater before surgery (4,000+ calories/day). Consequently, I lost VERY rapidly after surgery, losing my first 100 lbs. in about 3 months. Unfortunately, it has taken me another year to lose my second 100 lbs.! Keep your chin up. You CANNOT fail with this surgery unless you're purposely sabatoging yourself.
   — Terissa R.

May 30, 2002
I totally agree with Fay. I see what others are eating and shocked because I ate that amount as a pre-op. If I ate that much now I would be doomed. Its very discouraging because I believe that it contributes to my slow loss (I'm right there with ya girl, almost 7 months post and down 77 lbs.) I have been fluctuating the same 2 lbs. for 5 weeks. When I was eating 600-800 cals a day I was losing fine, now at 100 cals a day I'm not losing anymore and worried that this is it for me. If I go back down to 800 cals, I will be hungry. It now takes me 1000 to get full. So lets compare, you have lost more than me!! I know that it is hard to see others losing at such a fast rate, and hard not to be jealous, but I do try to look at it like Merri said. We need to look at the great loss that we have had and be thankful for that. Wow! 80 lbs. lighter in just 7 months! THAT is awesome!
   — Cheri M.

May 30, 2002
That should read: 1000 cals, not 100!
   — Cheri M.

May 30, 2002
Hi Annie - I have to put my "$.02 in" I just hit 1 year post-op & am down 120#'s....I have gone from 333#s to 213#!! Some days, I get scared that this is it & I will never see the underside of 200!! Someone here posted a web page I signed-up (it's free) and input the foods I ate...and OMG...yesterday I was able to consume 1500 calories....granted it wasn't all at once and NOTHING compared to pre-op!! So today, I am going to really watch how I am eating!! I want to see 199#...but like you I am a slow loser...I was just about where you are at 7 months.....Just remember to take pride in yourself and don't forget we are all different...different lifestyles, activity levels, metabolisms...etc!!! Good Luck and email me anytime....Karan
   — chance2lv

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