How long should my king and I wait to Make Love?

I had an open RNY on 23 July 2002. Starting weight 326 down to 300. I would also like to know which brand and what kind of juices are you all drinking?    — Dortheria B. (posted on August 26, 2002)

August 26, 2002
There are a couple of questions to answer first. How are you feeling, is your incision healed and has your doctor said anything. I was and open RNY on Aug. 6 2002. When I felt could and my incision healed we tried and happy to say was wonderful. Doctor told me when I was feeling up to it and incision was completely closed.
   — jutz

August 26, 2002
I think if you're up to it go for it...just take it slow and easy.
   — MF

August 26, 2002
hubby and I celebrated my homecoming from the hospital (3 days after open RNY) by making very slow and easy love -- he was super gentle -- just take your time and do what feels good *blush*
   — lilmskitty

August 26, 2002
Geez, can you wait until you disconnect from the internet or do you at least mind moving that moviecam? Just had to lighten the "mood"! (At least post-op, we're a bit cheaper: no need to wine and dine! wee!!!) Nelly (Lap RNY 9/16/02)
   — Nell C.

August 26, 2002
I am sure you can make love at this point, but I wouldn't bring juice into the mix quite don't want to risk "dumping" during the act, you know ; )
   — rebeccamayhew

August 27, 2002
We waited about two weeks, and only because my husband was nervous before that. As far as the juice goes, I dump on all juices, even if they say NO SUGAR ADDED... unless I mix them with half water. Otherwise I drink a lot of Diet V-8 Splash, SF Tang and Diet Snapple. I crave fruit juice and these all really help.
   — kultgirl

August 27, 2002
Hi! I had open RNY on July 23rd too! My husband and I became intimate again right after the two week mark. I dont think there is a magic date after surgery to resume love making. Just when YOU feel ready again. As far as juices go(fruit)...I try to stay away from them because they are high in carbs and natural sugars. I do have an occasional 2-4oz glass of orange juice just to get my craving under control. It goes down great and tastes wonderful. Just be careful with them! Good luck!
   — Shawnie S.

August 27, 2002
Wow, I had surgery on July 23rd too. This year. I waited about 2 weeks and it was fine. I don't drink too much juice it gives me gas, but I can drink grapefruit juice every once in awhile. Hope this helps. Congrats ev1 on July 23rd.
   — Vickie T.

August 27, 2002
I had surgery 6/12 and hubby and I waited 2 weeks. No problems at all. I dont drink juices because they all seem too sugary when I read the labels.
   — emilyfink

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