How soon is too soon for a TT??

hi. I'm roughly 6months out and down almost 100(about 3 pounds shy of that great 100# mark actually). I have a HUGE panni due to 2 csections. My stomach looks like a big saggy deflated balloon. I'd be down at least 2 more sizes if I could get rid of this thing now. My arms are also horrendous looking. Upper arms sag SO MUCH and nothing seems to be helping in the exercise department. So my question is, how soon can I see a surgeon about getting these two areas fixed? I'm proud of my weightloss but feel I've not lost anything because I have this big hanging flab of skin. Would it be unheard of to see a surgeon this soon? I know I'll hoefully lose more and am trying to put it off 50 more pounds but it's getting harder every day. *sigh*    — Renee V. (posted on September 15, 2002)

September 15, 2002
I am 7 months post-op and asked my PCP about plastic surgery. I had open RNY 2/11/02 and am down about 136 pounds. My panni is not as big as I thought it would be, but I still would like it gone. I also want a breast lift--no implants, just want the poor girls un-deflated. My PCP said I could see the plastic surgeon now since I am so close to my goal (only about 10-15 pounds to go). It wouldn't hurt to ask your Dr. and see what he says. I know some say not to get any plastics for 18 months, and I have heard of some people getting it less than a year post-op. Guess it just depends on what you and your Dr. agree on. Good luck and congrats on your weight loss!
   — Jennifer G.

September 15, 2002
I had my plastic surgery at 9 months post-op. Most plastic surgeons will tell you to wait until your within 20 pounds of your goal weight. If you have it done too soon and lose 50 pounds, your going to have sagging again. I know how it feels to have the deflated balloon look but wait it out and don't have it done until you get closer to your goal weight. Trust me, it will look MUCH better!!!
   — Patty H.

September 16, 2002
I am 7 months post-op, currently at 192, down 122 from my pre-op weight of 314. I am 35 pounds from my goal of 157. I really can't even stand looking at my body now, and I have less confidence being naked with a man than I did at 300 pounds. I have a shirt buying problem, becasue the ones at plus size stores are too big, but that ones in regular stores cling to close to my mushy rolls. I want my boobies lifted, my thighs done and a TT. My arms could use some work, but not a priority until next spring. SO, I am seeing my first plastic surgeon for a consult the day after tomorrow. I am very early in the planning stages and will wait at least until January 2003. At that point I expect to be within ten pounds of goal - and maybe after surgery I'll get there! answer your question: No, I don't think it's too early to see a surgeon, but you may want to put off actual surgery for a few months so you won't have to worry about having your skin hang again if you lose more weight. Good luck!
   — PaulaM

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