Why does it hurt to drink water?

I have no trouble with my chicken brother or SF Popsicles or SF Jello or anything else. When I take even small sips of water I get crampy and gassy. Any idea why?? Thanks. Open Rny 10/22/02.    — J. W. (posted on October 30, 2002)

October 30, 2002
Are you drinking really cold water? I have heard that some post-ops have a problem drinking cold water cuz it gives them cramps. I would try drinking lukewarm water and see if that helps. I know that you said that you are taking small sips, but could you be sipping too quickly? That could be it too.
   — fropunka

October 30, 2002
This seems to be a common problem. I know I have struggled with it since I got onto solid foods. Ironically while on the liquid diet I could drink water just fine. I've never seen a pat explanation, but someone said it may be something about the pH. I am the same way, mix the water with something else: No problem. Also water tends to bind very strongly to other water molecules. That's why water forms droplets when you spill it. Maybe adding stuff to it disrupts that. I don't know but a couple of things have helped me: Sugar-free Tang, homemade lemon-limeade, and walking while I sip. I can tell you that for me it has slowly gotten better over time, but I used to be a huge water drinker (no pun intended ;) and I still have problems getting in more than 30 oz a day.
   — ctyst

October 30, 2002
I had the same problem. It went away after 4 weeks had passed. For some reason, ice or very cold water was easier.
   — barbara A.

October 30, 2002
I am 6 weeks post RNY and have the very same problem!!! I can drink warm water with lemon or hot tea but cold water from a glass hurts my stomach!!! My Dr. said maybe the cold water is causing a spasm... I dunno but it certainly hurts! Funny thing is though... I can drink Dasani water from a bottle and it doesn't hurt!!! Go figure... I would have to tolerate the most expensive bottled water on the market! Good luck, Susan
   — Susan H.

October 30, 2002
Not to worry. Immediately post-op (11/01) after going home, I couldn't drink plain water, no matter what temp. I started mixing the smallest amount of another kind of juice and got the water down fine. I could do any other liquids too. Herbal decaf. tea was a favorite (a little sweet and nice and warm). After a few months I tried again for plain water and can now tolerate it fine, no matter what temp. My doctor said it had something to do with the staples and the water and their chemical compounds not blending or something like that. I was so upset about not being able to do plain water. I loved it pre-op and ate the ice chips like a fool immediately post op. Guess the pain meds disguised the cramps, etc. Good luck to you. It gets easier.
   — Cinna G.

October 31, 2002
I'm 9 days post op and was having that problem but I have been able to work myself into drinking more by starting with one ounce cups sipping slowly is the key, no straws at all. If I get gassy I just take a tums or something. Then I try again 20min later. Now I'm carrying around my water and it goes better for me room temp. Cold is OK but I have to be careful drinking it fast. Other liquids do better but I switch back and forth.
   — C. C.

October 31, 2002
I had the exact same thing in the beginning. I started being able to drink water at about 4-6 weeks post. No problems since then. I also had to start by drinking it at room temp. in the beginning, but now I can have it icy cold like I like it!
   — emilyfink

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