Is Cognitive Functioning: Memory/Ability to Think Impaired?

I am a student so I am concerned about cognitive functioning after surgery. Will the low amount of food render me fuzzy headed or impair my memory? If so, for how long? I'm hoping to have surgery in Feb/Mar and be "okay" for finals. Thanks!    — susanje (posted on November 11, 2002)

November 11, 2002
I'm a college professor and a post-Lap RNY. My thinking was never impaired at all. I was fuzzy and depressed from the anesthesia for about a week. I wasn't able to really concentrate (didn't really want to concentrate) for about 2 months. But then everything was 100% mentally and physically. As soon as I was on real food, I was able to get full. After that I never felt weak from lack of food, even when I was losing quickly.
   — Kathy J.

November 11, 2002
I was taking 10 hours of college classes when I had my surgery last April. I had classes on Mondays and Wednesdays and missed a total of 4 classes. 3 for the surgery and one because I just didn't feel that great. There were plenty of times that I did NOT want to be there and didn't want to study / think. But I finished with an A in Biology and a B in Chemistry, and was happy about it. You can do it! Good luck!
   — A. S.

November 12, 2002
EVERYBODY IS DIFFERENT. I read the other post replies to your question. I had open RNY 8 weeks ago. And I am truly a dizzy blonde now. I pray this passes before I resume school in January ans take my math and anatomy, microbiology courses. To ecen think of MAth right now, and trying to rememer physiology and terms of anatomy makes my head spin! Pre surgery I was an A student, with accumulated 3.81 GPA, pursuing a nursing degree. I barely escaped an auto accident 2 weeks ago, after loking both ways and then driving out in fromnt of an oncoming car, and almost left my cart of groceries behind after I saw an old friend and started talking to her. The checker had to come after me with the cart. My memory is so bad, and fuzzy is the word, I used to describe me, along with hazy, and cloudy, and being "Blonde". I was told by my doc that this was most likely dehydtration, and be sure to drink more water.
   — Jenny_B

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