Has onyone been approved for a tummy tuck thtu United Health Care??

Aetna approved my Open RNY and they have just approved my tummy tuck. Unfortunately, as of Dec 31, my husbands company changed insurance providers. I will have United Health Care. My surgeon can not get me in for the tummy tuck before the end of the year......therefore, I lose my opportunity for the tummy tuck. I am so upset!!!!!! I fought for months to get this approved. Now that I am approved, I still can not have the surgery. Imagine how frustrating this is. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone had experience with United Health Care approving a tummy tuck..    — skymaxjr (posted on November 24, 2002)

November 24, 2002
I can relate to your frustration I have United Healthcare and my husbands company is going to change providers also I was approved and thought my chance was going by the wayside but the doc was able to schedule me before the swithch in providers takes place. Wednesday is the day. UHC is usually pretty good about approving if medically necessary I haven't had a problem with them so far
   — Tammy N.

November 25, 2002
I was not approved as medically necessary. I paid $5100 out of pocket. I could have waited and probably gotten some sores under my apron and taken pictures and then I would have been approved but I had two hernias that needed repair so I did both proceedures at the same time. My hernias could not wait. I am very happy with the results.
   — MARSHA D.

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