
I have been on a popcorn kick for about two weeks now. I read some one was able to eat it post-op and i started in. Sometimes the light butter, sometimes the no butter, but i can't get enough salt. I seem to crave it like a dying fish. It is all i can do to get all mt fluids in. But the salt makes me want to drink then. Is to much popcorn a bad thing???? Surely not.    — keller W. (posted on January 15, 2003)

January 15, 2003
Keller, I would say popcorn in moderation is fine, but, I checked your profile, you are only 1 1/2 mos out, I would avoid the carbs for now and eat more protein. I wasn't allowed popcorn till like 3 mos. The craving, it is probably your head playing tricks on you. Heather(Open RNY 8/15 - 305/224/150)
   — heathercross

January 15, 2003
Hi Keller,sometimes salt craving is a sign of dehydration, so make sure you are getting your water in!!! And I agree with the other post, youreally should try not to have all those carbs and all that fiber!!! Good LucK
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 15, 2003
I've been the exact same way with certain foods. Last summer I would eat 1 ear of corn every night as my dinner with lots of butter and salt. Couldn't get enough of the stuff, and then all of a sudden, didn't want it anymore. Then the cravings for red grapefruit started, until my lips started burning from the acid whenever I would eat it, so I had to slow down on that. Now I don't even want it anymore. Now, my problem is that I don't really want to eat anything, so it's been very difficult to make sure I get enough calories in each day. You do probably want to be careful with the popcorn, because of all the hulls in it and how it might affect your stomach. Those hulls can be tricky, and even though I haven't had any personal problems with popcorn, I would imagine that those hulls could get stuck somewhere and cause a problem, especially because your tummy is still so new and probably still a little swollen from surgery. I don't worry too much about my carb intake in non-candy types of food, because it doesn't seem to be affecting my weight loss. I figure, if I'm craving something, than there is something in the food that my body needs, so for the most part I go along with my cravings, but try to make as many good food choices as possible. Obviously, some days are better than others. I hope this helps in some small way. God Bless!
   — Christine L.

January 15, 2003
I am 3 1/2 months out and eat popcorn regularly. I am losing at a nice pace, couldn't feel better. I figure if it hurt when I ate it I would not do it again. Low fat popcorn is a fairly healthy snack. I consider I used to eat the whole bag, now I eat maybe 1/4 or less of a bag. As far as fiber. I am the fiber queen, salads every day. raw fruits and veggies every day and no constipation either.
   — **willow**

January 15, 2003
I am a big popcorn fan! Someone in my support group told the nutritionist that she eats a whole bag. The nutritionist was a little horrified, thinking it was too much. She did an experiment where she pooped a bag, then crushed it with a rolling pin (simulating chewing), then added a little water (saliva) and measured it. The whole bag was just over 1/2 cup. I, personally, get great "head" satisfaction from being able to keep eating something. My hand can move back and forth and I can chew something crunchy for a long time. I'm pretty much addicted!
   — jen41766

January 15, 2003
Hi! I am 4 months post-op and have ate a little popcorn since surgery. I try to not eat it though because of something my nutritionist told me. She said that even a person that didn't have WLS should not eat popcorn because it can cause a bowel obstruction. I'm sure there are other nutritionists that may disagree, but everytime I want some popcorn, I think about her saying that and it scares the crap out of me!
   — Jamie H.

January 15, 2003
My problem with popcorn is that it set me off on a carb binge. I wound up eating two bags a day. I went cold turkey, but still crave it. If you can eat it occasionally and it is not a red light food fine. but if salty, cruchy snacks are your eating problem, don't start.
   — faybay

January 15, 2003
We just had a little thread about this on another list...if you crave salty and crunchy, eat a pickle. Right Fay? :))
   — Leslie F.

January 15, 2003
Sorry--couldn't resist this: I laughed till tears fell from the idea of the nutritionist "pooping" the bag! (I know, I know, corny, right?)
   — AmyL

January 16, 2003
I think they meant "POPPED". (Hopefully, otherwise YUCK)
   — lee J.

January 16, 2003
I crave salt to, my "addiction" is sunflower seeds. I only eat them while I'm in the car, but they give you the hand to mouth motions, and the crunch of cracking the shell, and there's also the protein. I read in my book by Dr. Flancbaum that it would take over 3 hours to consume 300 calories worth. I don't believe that craving salt is always do to dehydration, I drink between 64-100 oz of water a day and I still have to have my sunflower seeds. I talked to my Dr. because I was worried about the sodium intake and he said all is going fine, so I just enjoy them. They are also nice when watching movies.
   — Dana B.

January 16, 2003
My doctor and nutritionist gave me the go ahead to start popcorn at about 6 weeks post-op. The nutritionist said that the fiber and carbs in popcorn are good for you. I try to have a few cups of microwave lite popcorn several times a week. Not only does it satisfy the salt, crunch and eating for a while needs, it also helps to keep you regular. Never a constipation problem!!
   — Cindy R.

January 16, 2003
Hi there, thought I would pop on in, Popcorn is great as long as it's in moderation.. I was doing a big no no and eating it for dinner go figure a bag of it for dinner.... and the real stuff (butter lover's) I was figuring I was doing something right,something that would fill me up and wouldn't do me over for dinner..... wrong try about 400 calories and like way over 20 grams of fat....... OMG I'm back into doing pickles for the salt cravings.... No more pop corn here.... It too can become like peanuts addicting.. I'm better off just eating regular and protien at that for dinner. Post Op 7 1/2 months down 110 pounds
   — tannedtigress

January 16, 2003
I go on popcorn kicks - usually 1/2 a bag with parmesan cheese sprinkled on it...yum and works great for getting the plumbing flowing when it doesn't want to but NEEDS to :>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 17, 2003
I've been eating a bag of Orville Reddenbacher's SmartPop just about every afternoon at work. I get the munchies and it satisfies my craving. Except for kernels sometimes getting stuck in my gums, I don't seem to have any other problems with it. Enjoy!
   — Demrie63

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