
ATTENTION: ALL BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD - POST OP PEOPLE WHO HAVE HAD RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY <br><p> I am in a position to be able to change insurance with my previous employer AT&T Broadband. Even though I was laid off 01-20-03 I still have insurance benefits for 18 months. Open enrollment is approaching and I want to know if you have had luck getting reconstructive surgery procedures approved by Blue Cross Blue Shield. THANK YOU. I LOVE YOU ALL.    — Teena A. (posted on April 9, 2003)

April 8, 2003
Teena, ALL policies are different. Blue Cross/Blue Shield is a major company with many, many different polices so it's very hard to know what any particular policy will pay for. I have Empire Blue Cross (I live in Dallas, but my company's corporate offices are in New York) and they denied my panniculectomy but after speaking with my surgeon, agreed to pay for it. I had the surgery in Wichita Falls February 4 and so far they have refused to pay for it. Dr. Warnock's office keeps telling me not to worry about it - that there was probably a problem with the way it was filed. Dr. Warnock did my RNY and then the hernia repair and panniculectomy and he told me personally that I wasn't to fret over the insurance problem. They paid the hernia repair and the hospital and he said to let him worry about the rest. I know this doesn't help you much. You probably need to call your benefits department and find out what the particulars of your plan are - or call the insurance company. Good luck!
   — Patty_Butler

April 10, 2003
hi there :) i had bcbs of il at the time of my rny and that was covered. this is what my cousin had as weel and she was alos aproved. i very recently on march 27 had hernia repair with the excess skin removal (panni) not the abdomeniplasty(with tightening of muscles as well) my surgeon didnt feel it necessary and from what i hear, its easier at times to get the panni aproved anyhow. but i have blue advantage this time around and was aproved for the repair and panni. my cousin still has bcbs and has been aproved for the same. :) good luck to you!
   — carrie M.

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