
   — Cornelia W. (posted on June 8, 2003)

June 8, 2003
Contrary to popular opinion, drinking carbonated beverages won't permanently stretch your pouch. It can make you VERY uncomfortable. IMHO, the biggest reason not to drink them post-op is that the phosphorous in them leeches calcium out of your system. I don't even want to go down that road. It's why so many young women have osteoporosis these days. They're drinking diet soda by the case and never drink milk. I'll also add that I've tried diet Coke a time or two since my surgery and it tastes awful to me.
   — garw

June 8, 2003
ASK YOUR DOCOTR! Each MD has their own opinion, you trusted him/her to operate on you , trust them for this info too- Though the gases wont stretch your pouch, soda contain some gas (phosphorous...) that inhibites the absorption of calcium (already a problem) and many have caffeine, an appetite stimulant- there are so many other good choices why bother?
   — ~~Stacie~~

June 8, 2003
My doctor said the gases can permanently stretch your pouch. I know each doctor is different, but for me it is just not worth the risk. It also causes the problem with calcium absorbsion. You will learn to love just plain water. It now is what I prefer to drink. Good luck.
   — D. Bell

June 8, 2003
I have a micro pouch and I can drink diet soda although I still stir it first to get rid of most of the carbonation. I don't drink a lot of it(maybe one can of Diet Vanilla Coke a day)but I sure enjoy drinking something besides water!
   — Linda K.

June 8, 2003
I didn't know about the calcium thing. Thanks Gar. At one point in my life I was a big Diet Coke drinker and then stopped (used to buy by the case). Then I would just crave it now and again and go on a Diet Coke kick for a week or so and stop. I have not had any since surgery because I used to drink in gulps and I can't drink anything in gulps now. I've just made a decision not to drink it any longer. Diet Coke is the only thing I dream of though. I think about a DQ vanilla ice cream cone from time to time but I never dream about them. I dream about Diet Coke.
   — susanje

June 8, 2003
Well I would trust your surgeon, but most of them now say that it won't stretch your pouch but it does make you uncomfortable!
   — Saxbyd

June 8, 2003
I am just going to post my personal experience, not what I think any other person should do. I have read tons of posts from people saying sodas will permanently stretch the pouch, including the old "soda in the ziplock" which I think is ridiculous. How anyone could compare our stomachs to a ziplock bag with no openings is beyone me. I don't claim to have the answer, just my personal opinion. I have been drinking diet soda, tons of it, since month two post op. I have lost over 100 lbs and continue to lose to this day. I don't drink caffeine drinks at all. Ever. I drink mostly Diet Ginger Ale. With that said, you may feel more comfortable listening to your surgeon's suggestions. Good Luck!! 7.5 months post op Rny...down 102 lbs.
   — J. W.

June 8, 2003
My surgeon and myself agree on one thing (well more than one thing, but this thing also): You have this surgery to be "normal." If you drink diet coke now, you might want to drink it later. I am 22 mos. out. I drink diet cokes every day--about two. I have no problems and I haven't stretched my pouch. I feel normal in every way. If it wasn't for how fantastic I feel and look, I'd forget I even had surgery. I didn't, however, drink diet sodas until about a year out. They just felt uncomfortable. I have a rule too, no drinking calories. It seems to work for me, and since I never had a real coke anyway, diet is the only thing I like anyway. Hope this helps!
   — sandieguy

June 8, 2003
My own personal experience, I drink it (doc said it's ok) and I find it helps keep me full between meals. Just my 2cents
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 8, 2003
At over one year post-op, and down 110 pounds, I still enjoy a soda once or twice a week. I use Diet Caffeine Free Dr. Pepper, Diet Caffeine Free Pepsi, Diet Caffeine Free Mt. Dew, or Diet Rite Cola, which is sweetened with Splenda,and has NO sodium. I don't gulp, never have, but I do enjoy sipping my sodas!!
   — T. 263

June 8, 2003
Hi...I had the first soda post-op this weekend. I had a small diet coke with ice and took extremely small sips...took me like an hour to drink it. I didn't have any discomfort.
   — Linda B.

June 8, 2003
every surgeon is different but minesaid not to have anything with carbonation in it cause the fizz will stretch yer pouch,he said if i must have a diet pop let it set out opened for 2 hours well that is just nasty so i stay away from it all together
   — cheri S.

June 8, 2003
I was given diet ginger ale in the hospital after my surgery. They just made it flat. I was told that the bubbles could feel uncomfortable in the beginning. And that was true. It will not cause any physical harm to you it is just uncomfortable. At 12 months out I drink soda. I just try and stay away from the soda with caffeine.
   — Linda A.

June 9, 2003
Besides making your new pouch very uncomfortable (gas, bloating, burping..), there are a few other reasons why soda should not be our beverage of choice. Gar has the best reason, it leeches calcium from our bones (my doc says this too), some sodas have caffeine in them, sodas have sodium, they can be dehydrating and they take away the time we should be drinking water instead of soda. Non-diet sodas have useless calories and the diet ones have artificial sweetners which some are sensitive too. Now with that said, if you drink decaffinated sodas, diet sodas and are not sensitive to the artificial sweetners, get all your water in separately, and do not have any pouch discomfort, I don't see why you can't have some soda. It was well over a year post-op before soda set well in my tummy and at 16 mo post-op, I will have a diet soda once in a while.
   — Cindy R.

June 9, 2003
Pre-op I drank almost a 2 liter per day. This was a big concern for me. Since surgery I have had maybe 3 sodas total, they just make me feel bad. So now I dont drink them. I feel much better not drinking carbonated beverages. My decision was based off comfort, not medical reasoning, not cuz post-op #3453 said so, and I'm better with it being my own decision. I have not regretted my decision and I do not miss soda at all. 20 mos post op -130, below goal.
   — RebeccaP

June 10, 2003
My surgeon recommended no soda. I've tried a couple of tastes and it tastes awful. I was a 4-5 soda a day drinker pre-op too and haven't had any more than a taste in 10+ months now. The only time I think I miss it "with my head" is at the movies with popcorn. Otherwise, not a problem.
   — Cathy S.

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