9 months post-op & losing VERY slowly...will I ever make it to goal???

Hi everyone! I had a Distal Open RNY on 10/09/02, so I'm about 9 mos & 1 week post-op now. How time flies! I JUST finally reached -100 lbs recently...hooray! I did not start out as a "lightweight", started w/ a BMI of 54.8 & my current BMI is 39.2. I'm very happy w/ the loss so far but I can't help getting frustrated @ times. I've always considered myself a "slow loser", but it's been even more substantially slow since around 5 mos post-op. I've only been averaging a loss of maybe 5 lbs a month since then. I do drink my water, but somtimes maybe not enough, I usually drink @ least 3 protein shakes per day made w/ water (I belong to the "OSSG-Protein" Yahoo Group) & I do try to exercise @ least 3-4 times per week for 45 mins on the exercise machine I have here @ home. I try to stay low-carb for the most part, although there have been times where I haven't. Just really wanted to know if there's anyone out there who maybe had a similar experience to mine & still made it to goal??? I started my journey @ 350 lbs, so now I'm 250 lbs, & I'd REALLY like to get down to @ least 170-180 lbs (I'm 5'7"), which means I have another 70-80 lbs to go. Is it still possible for me to do this??? Anyone out there who can relate??? Thanks in advance for your help... =0)    — j-bird333 (posted on July 16, 2003)

July 16, 2003
Jamie!!! group hug!!! I hear and feel your I'm 17 months post op. Start weight was 368 for me and I came to a screeching halt at 8 months post op right around 250 lbs and I have been there give or take a couple of lbs ever since then. For a couple of months I tried really intensifying my exercise and still I say no loss. I've kind of become accepting of my current weight just recently. My goal was to be at around 190 because I am 6' tall. Now I just try very hard to not let the lbs creep up on me. If I gain a couple I try to watch what I am eating. My health is greatly improved and I am so happy for that. I hear so much about the 18 month window for losing and I ask myself why, my window closed at 8 months. But why should we be any different than the normal population regarding losing weight. I dont see why or understand why if at 2 3 or 5 years post op we should not be able to lose weight by using good exercise and diet techniques. I keep telling myself that my body is just saying give me a break will ya...I just shed a whopping 120 lbs. For now I am trying to just enjoy my walking not over pushing it, and try to watch what I eat, but enjoy eating too. Maybe when cooler weather comes as fall approaches I'll kick my rear back into high gear. Contgrats on the 100lbs gone mark!!!!
   — SARose61

July 16, 2003
Thanks so much for your response, Rosemary! What does your surgeon have to say about your weight loss so far? I hope we both continue to lose till we reach goal! All the best!!! =0)
   — j-bird333

July 16, 2003
Jamie ironically my surgeon had a massive heart attack in Feb of this year and I have not been able to see him since my 6 month post op visit. I was told to see my general prac unless I had any serious complications. My gp is extatic with my progress and tried to keep me focused on concentrating on my health and how that has improved. He does question me about diet and exercise and I do agree that I could probably be doing better in both of those departments. He tells me not to come down too hard on myself because it really defeats your entire purpose and I have to agree with that. The more I obcess on what the scale shows the more depressed I would get and do nothing but feel bad. I have also started going to a counselor therapist to help me resolve some of the personal issues that lead me to snack. She is also taking the be kind to yourself and learn to priorities your life approach with me.
   — SARose61

July 16, 2003
I hit the -100 pounds mark on my 9 month post op anniversary. I personally think it is the most phenominal thing ever in my life to have lost 100# in 9 short months. I guess I am saying I don't think you are a slow loser you are awsome!
   — **willow**

July 16, 2003 the above website has a weight los predictor. according to it the aveage person starting at 350 would have lost 108 pounds at 9 months, low end 92 high end 127. So you are indeed doing very well. good luck!
   — **willow**

July 16, 2003
Thanks again Rosemary, I think you've done great so far! You're right, concentrating soley on the "numbers" should not be our main focus. I feel so much better than I did 100 lbs ago!!! And thanks to you too, Willow! Congrats on your -100 in 9 mos as well! You've made me feel SOOOO much better!!! =0)
   — j-bird333

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