Now Im 3 weeks post op can I expect my Penis to get larger?

I started at 490 and I have lost 30 pounds but have not noticed yet.    — Ted W. (posted on October 3, 2003)

October 2, 2003
It won't make it grow. It will just seem that way. It took me to lose over 60 lbs before I noticed a difference. I have lost unofficially 125 lbs since may and yes there is a difference. Hopefully I will be approved for a belt lipectomy and then things will really sytand out. OMG did I just type that :blush:
   — snicklefritz

October 2, 2003
This is vry hard for me. Your penis will get larger when your BRAIN gets larger. Don't take this as a DISS. It's not. Here's a hit. girls really don't care about the size of your's your intelligence, your creativity (in sex, think about pleasing HEr), your looks. Yep, your looks., at over 400 lbs. you still may be a turn-off. Excersize, take advantage of your window, get plastic surgery, in the meantime, what, other than the size of your penis, do you hae to offer???? Think about it, be aman, be a good man.
   — sandieguy

October 2, 2003
It doesnt matter the size but how you use what you have LOL. I do think that as you lose, the stomach will go in and the "member" will stick out more. I dont think it really grows any bigger but you can just see more of it and less of the fat!!:) Good luck.
   — CARLA C.

October 2, 2003
It will get huge!!! At least mine did ;). Just remember that everything is perception. Good Lux
   — Robert L.

October 2, 2003
My husband had RNY 18 months ago and lost a total of 180 lbs (he was 480lbs). He had a belt lipectomy last week and they removed another 27 lbs of skin. Guess what? We can finally see his penis and it definitely looks bigger! But I think its always been that size...
   — ttilles

October 2, 2003
Your pubic pad has a lot of fat in it and as you lose weight there, the more your penis will stick out more. It all depends on how much weight you have to lose and how much fatty pad you have on your pubic bone. Then a full body lift with a pubic pad lift can gain you another inch or two. Good luck to you!
   — danabky

October 3, 2003
At first I was shocked the moderators let this question get through but I realize you really want to know. I would encourage you to really listen to Sandie's response. My first thought to answer your question was to let you know I have been with less endowed and super endowed men. What made the most difference was their attentiveness, creativity, passion, and humor. I kind of think of it like the blind person whose hearing and touch become heightend. Many men would benefit from acting as if they didn't have a penis and had to make love without it. You would sure learn to be creative. I wish you good luck. Ann in TX
   — Ann B.

October 3, 2003
Not to start a flame war, but the guys on here have to put up with "period" questions and "birth control" questions and "tennis balls at the end of tube socks" questions among other female issues. And a guy comes on here asking about this and he gets bashed by the women on the about support (or lack thereof)... <p> a couple of the more supportive people have said, as you lose weight, your pubic pad and abdomen will get smaller thus making your penis appear larger. Sex will also get a lot easier - you won't be out-of-breath and your heart won't be ready to burst (I'm talking way before the "big O" here people *G*). <p> If you have any more questions about this and don't want to risk getting flamed by the women on this board, then I suggest you join the "Men-Of-WLS" Yahoogroup by sending an e-mail to [email protected] <p> No period talk, no depo provera talk, no tennis balls at the end of tube talk...just guy talk....hope you join us!!! JR (open RNY 07/17/02 -201# since surgery, -214# total, 13# til goal!!!)
   — John Rushton

October 3, 2003
Hey John.. can a woman sit in and watch the conversation? *S* I'd like to be a fly on the wall just to see what's said. Oh and.. *LMAO* @ tennis ball at the end of a tube sock. I'm all about equal opportunity! haha!
   — Michelle J.

October 3, 2003
Size does matter. Any woman who says it doesn't is either lying because her man is amll or has never experienced it.. ;-) The penis doesn't actually grow...but less of it is hidden in the pubic mound...therefore, more exposed penis = allusion of'll be able to use more of it and your woman (women) will thank you.
   — Danielle M.

October 3, 2003
John, that is really a great idea .. I sometimes feel sorry for the gents because these groups do seem a little chick heavy .. I know had my husband asked this question, I would rather see more straight answers and less assumptions and bashing. Interesting question .. (mostly) interesting answers.
   — Jeanie

October 3, 2003
I think his question was "will my penis get bigger" not " will I be a better lover" or "does size matter". I have to agree with John, we women post a lot of period questions and the guys have to put up with it. It takes a lot of guts to ask these questions and I applaud him for asking, especially in the midst of all this estrogen! If anyone asks a question, support and help should be our number one goal. There are a lot of people that refuse to post for fear of getting heartless answers to their delicate questions. Thanks guys for stepping up to bat.
   — Happy I.

October 3, 2003
Well, I lost 215 lbs and now I can finally see mine!!! Without a big old belly in the way, it seems bigger. And with out my wife's big old belly (she lost 110 lbs) and mine too, sex is much better. We can just get so much closer to each other.

October 3, 2003
John, this is a great idea. As much as I love listening to the ladies it'll be nice to be able to talk about guy issues with this procedure as well. I think men and women have similar issues as we move on through the weight loss battle but there are issues that might not seem comfortable for guys to talk about in here. By the way, I thought the women here gave very insightful answers to this topic, with one exception and I totally agree with what they said - there is a definite difference and both partners will benefit from the change. - Mike
   — Michael N.

October 3, 2003
I happen to agree with the post John wrote. I think this is a valid question for a man to ask. We women are always asking personal questions..we need to give the same support and comfort to a man that is concerned about his sexual situation as we are with ours. I see post from women all the time about how long can I wait to have sex, which I think is stupid...when you feel like having sex..I personally don't feel like having sex after a surgery thank you very much. have a valid and reasonalble question...I am not a man, but I have heard that when you begin to lose some fat around the public area that it will expose more of the penis and you and your partner should expereience more pleasure. Good for you for asking the question and best of luck to you and I hope that everything goes well for you. I think it might take more than 30 pounds though...for me as a woman it took about 50 pounds to tell a difference in the genitilia area. You take care!
   — Karen Renee

October 3, 2003
Oh, I just wanted to add...guys bring on the questions...there are those of us who understand out here and are willing to help. Go for it!
   — Karen Renee

October 3, 2003
personally i do not care if a man has one or not!!! but i can understand how it would appear larger once the weight was going! we should all feel free to ask anything we wish to know, that is the best thing about this site! i have talked about my saggng breasts whats the difference! ;o)
   — janetc00

October 3, 2003
gee did the mods remove the bashes? Everything I've read seemed mostly supportive to the question - and I agree - ask whatever you need to know and someone somewhere should be able to help you. I don't know if you're will seem larger or not (being female), but I do know that as my fat pads have decreased penetration is much deeper, so I'd think the same would apply to a guy. More access...not always a good thing eitehr (ouch!).
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 3, 2003
Do not worry about asking, everybody male or female should have the right to act questions on this board. I have seen many questions on this board of a sexual nature. Including ones about oral sex and swallowing. All the questions ,even if they make some feel offended are vaild.We are all in the same boat and losing 50 to 400 pounds makes a difference in how we feel about our selfs ,we are afterall sexual beings. And men have the same worries about there sexual image as women do. Sagging skin,sagging butts ,dropping boobs and parts of our bodies we have not seen in years.There are many women here that have not seen there pubic mound in a years so should a man feel different about his? I think not! Your pubic pad has a lot of fat in it and as you lose weight there, the more your penis will stick out more. God luck to you.:)
   — Autumn

October 3, 2003
I had a dear friend who weighed about 500lbs and after he got down in the 200lbs he...well...was very pround of his seemingly large new "friend". It didn't actually grow, he could just now see it more clearly and it was buried any longer under a sagging belly and crotch area. So to answer your question...according to him, it doesn't grow you just "see" more of it. Hope that helps. :-)
   — Renee B.

October 3, 2003
There was actually something about this in Prevention Magazine about two years ago. It said that for every 25 pounds lost that there would be X amount more of VISIBLE penis. I just don't remember what the amount was.
   — Pamela B.

October 3, 2003
i agree with Carla, it's not how much you've got boys but how you use it.
   — Delores S.

October 3, 2003
John Rushton: I have no problem with this question being asked or that you related it to being no different than some things women ask about but I do take offense to throwing discussions about birth control in with the tube socks etc. Birth control is a two person issue and men should be aware that women are no longer consistently protected by BCP's. It's not just a woman's issue unless one has a cave man mentality. I sure hope you don't see birth control as the woman in your life's responsiblity and hers only. JMO Chris D.
   — zoedogcbr

October 3, 2003
Chris're absolutely right...that was a bad example. I just was looking for another female-dominated topic. When my wife's OB/GYN said after my daughter's birth in 1991 that it would be inadvisable for her to become pregnant again, I was the one who volunteered to go under the knife for the "snip, snip" as I didn't want to see her go through another surgery after just having had a c-section. So I know about taking the responsbility for BC *G*...JR
   — John Rushton

October 3, 2003
This is sort of related to the question. Mine hasn't become any larger, but it can certainly GET larger now if you know what I mean. Before the surgery I had difficulty getting a full erection, probably because of circulation difficulties. I never had been diagnosed with diabetes, but I'm sure I was on my way to it. Since losing 170 pounds the difference has been tremendous.
   — Jim F

October 3, 2003
What is this "tennis ball at the end of a tube sock?" I must be DUH, cause I just don't get it. Can somebody please explain? P.S. I also get sick of seeing the "when can we have sex and oral sex questions" (and the same oral sex questions at that) asked on here all the time. Could'nt somebody look in the Library 1st?? before asking this for the millionth time. Oh well, I'll shut-up for now.
   — bufordslipstick

October 3, 2003
If I'm correct, this phrase is referring to the way "the girl's" look after losing so much weight. They have no substance anymore...they're just dangling, empty "tube socks" with rocks or tennis balls in the bottom lol.
   — Jeralyn Merideth

October 4, 2003
I am so sorry that you got so many mean and rude answers to your question. Please talk to your PCP and surgeon about this. It seems even here we are not safe from the crule way obeis person are treated even by each other.
   — Debra F.

October 4, 2003
Hello there!! First let me say...I am AMAZED at some of the rude answers you have gotten!! And I can only offer an apology for those who choose to stay in the "offended" stage when it comes to certain questions on this board! We are all here for the same help and to be helped...any and all questions should be accepted and addressed with loveing support...not "steriotypical bull" that was deemed unpopular back in the 90's!! This is a very good, straight up and honest question and I hope that you find the answers you are seeking....wish I could help, but I have no experience with what you are going through... but I did wish to extend my support to you Ted!! And I hope that from now on..those folks who don't "like a certain type question", choose simply not to read and respond! Everyone has the right to ask what they wish...and everyone has the right not to's a matter of "choice", folks!!! Get a grip!! Ok, now "I" must apologize for letting this get to me...but I can not stand any form of prejudice...and some of these answers have this written "all over" them!! And some of these answers were very, very good!!! Hope they have helped you Ted! Ok, I'll just shut up now!!! Love and light, Lisa
   — medium

October 4, 2003
Hi Ted- Just wanted to say thank goodness for this Q & A page and the people who try to legitimately answer these types of questions from their own experiences. Who better to answer than someone who has lived it? Sorry, I don't know the answer to your question. Good Luck, Mea :o)
   — Mea A.

October 4, 2003
I read in a medical journal about five years ago that for every 100 pounds overweight a man is he loses a good one inch in the length of his penis or at least that's the way that it appears. I noticed this after re-uniting with an old flame many years later after we went our separate ways. When we got back together he had gained about 200 pounds and I noticed that "it" had gotten much shorter. I guess this is because all the fat hides the first inch+ or so of length. I'm sure after you get closer to your goal weight you will be pleasantly surprised. Hope this helps.
   — Cyndie M.

October 6, 2003
((((Ted))))...First, I want to say that when my husband lost 100+ pounds, he not only seemed "bigger" (by the other posters here, you know why) but he had more endurance and even more sensation! Second, I am disgusted at all the ignorant people on this board who negatively responded to this question. You don't have to read it, the subject line was clear. You don't have to respond, if you are uncomfortable, just think of all the INTENSELY female subject matter that women have asked...should a man have responded to our questions in the same manner then I am sure he would be crucified!!! I can personally say that when I read your cruel replied that I wanted to whip you around by your hair and give you a good smacking. No one should ever be ashamed to ask questions on this's the job of the rest of the world to make us feel ashamed. Last, I would just like to point out that there were probably many men out there who were curious and now have an answer to their question. Please guys, don't let a few small headed, back wood, loud mouthed a$$holes prevent you from asking mor questions. You are a tremendous resource on this site. All my love - Erinn P.S. Ted...when you do "get bigger" feel free to email me! J/K <----happily married : - )
   — Erinn D.

October 8, 2003
I have a friend who had his open Roux-en-y in November of 2001. He started at 545 and is now about 200 give or take (depends on what he's wearing etc). He discribes his penis and pubis area as a apple and stem. The more fatter the apple.....Less stem (usually). The thinner the apple.....Longer stem. He too has said he really enjoys sex now and finds himself bugging his wife for a little intimate time. Just an interesting way to look at it.
   — Rachel W.

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