Breast Lift, Has anyone had there insurance pay for just a lift?

Hi all, i went for my consult today and it went smooth, except my dr told me that my insurance which is UHC will not pay for a breast lift. A reduction, they will pay for, but if i was to reduce my breast i will be a low Bcup and that is not happening, i just wanted them to be lifted up because they are sagging down. Please someone give me some hope that my insurance UHC will do it. Im going to go have a couple of more opinions on it though, or maybe i will call the insurance compnay myself, because i don't want to think that he is pulling my leg and just wants me to self pay. Thank u all i advance for u answers 260/169/160    — sexysag37 (posted on January 15, 2004)

January 16, 2004
They don't because lift is considered cosmetic. Reduction helps your back, neck, etc.
   — mrsmyranow

January 16, 2004
I highly, highly doubt this would work b/c I work for a Health Insurance company & I know it wouldn't fly here (but I would still try)......Any rashes or skin problems being caused by the sagging? Even if there are those problems, they would have to be documented clearly for a good period of time by your doctor (either PCP or the surgeon who did bypass). I intend to start complaining NOW (3 mos. post op) about achy arms & shoulder pain (b/c of sagging fat), rashes on my skin here, there & everywhere! That way, at least I will TRY to get my insurer to cover arm & breast reductions. It probably won't work, but ya just never know!
   — Louise D.

January 26, 2004
hmmm....I had a reduction/lift all at the same time, covered by BlueShield. I went from a 52 I to a now 34 A/B. It all depends on how your doc words your needs. *smile*
   — [Deactivated Member]

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