does this sound serious to anyone?

I'm having yet another (minor) complication: My legs have swolen two twice their normal size.n But only as far as three inches or so below the knees. My ankles and feet are fine. I've slept with them elevated above my heart, but nothing seems to be helping. I'm calling the Dr. today. I guess he'll call in a diuretic or something. It's probably nothing serious. I hope it's nothing serious. Has anyone else experienced this> Oh, I posted my pre-TT pic at the end of the journal. This is the pic I sent to the insurance company along with the letter. I hope this helps some of my fellow WLSers!    — Jen E. (posted on March 19, 2004)

March 19, 2004
Hi Jen, First you look great in your pics. I'm not a medical person, so please check with your doctor. Second, are you wearing some type of support stocking such as TED hose? Do you feel a tightness, like a kinked hose just above or below the area? Any places with red lines radiating out? Did it start after doing some walking or exertion? Just trying to get you thinking of a possible cause. Keep those legs elevated. Call your doc at once. You definitely don't want to go into the weekend with questions about something like this so recently after surgery. Keeping you in my prayers today. Best wishes.
   — Mary Ann B.

March 19, 2004
It could be gout. But call your doctor.

March 19, 2004
Thanks gals, I called the Dr. and he said take off the girdle, keep the legs elevated and that swelling was a normal function of the drainage headed south. If they are still swolen on Monday, I will call again. I hate to be a nudge, but this is my very expensive body we;re talking about here! Love, Jen
   — Jen E.

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