Anyone had lipo then later think, why did I do that? I wish I had the money?

Sorry to beat a dead horse here, but I need to ask another question about lipo. Has anyone self-payed for lipo, had the surgery, then thought, "I wish I hadn't done that - I would rather have the money to spend on something else?" I am beating myself up here, and am feeling VERY guilty about spending $5300 on myself for lipo on my thighs. I was fortunate enough to receive assistance from TX rehab on my RNY, and insurance covered my belt lipectomy. I think that's why I feel so terrible about footing the whole bill for lipo on myself. I often think, "I really could use this to pay off my car" or "I could use this as a down payment in case we buy a new house." I've just saved up so long for this, that now I hate to part with the hard earned money! Anyone regret getting the lipo?    — raye (posted on July 23, 2004)

July 23, 2004
Hi. My view as a plastic surgeon is obviously biased, but here is what I have heard from my patients. "The surgery cost was less tan any car out there in the parking lot, and the results last longer and are more important to em than a car that lasts 5 years." Also "I've paid all this to get my body looking it's best, I'm sure not going to over-eat and mess it up!" Ultimately, you are the judge as it is your body and (hopefully) your dissatisfaction with certain issues taht will determine if surgery and all it's downsides are worth the results.
   — DrL

July 24, 2004
I hate that for you so much and I know how you feel! I'm pretty sure that insurance will pay for a tummy tuck (back problems). I've decided to pay for the difference to get a lower body lift. Between taking the time off from work and spending thousands on getting this lower body lift, I'm feeling pretty guilty. But then I thought about it and friends of mine have boats, vacation homes, and chose to spend their money on those wants. My 'want' will be my body. I guess if you still feel very guilty, could you get another job for which the income will go directly to the PS? Good luck! We deserve it!
   — Yolanda J.

July 26, 2004
Hi Raye, I have NEVER regretted my liposuction procedures. I had a lot of large volume liposuction, actually before I lost my weight in order to get better proportioned. I carried all of my excess weight in my hips and thighs, whereas my upper body was very small compared to my lower body. It took 3 stages of large volume liposuction to get me reasonably proportioned from measurements of 42-35-60. I was SO very much happier with my figure after the liposuction even before I lost the weight. To make a long story short, I went on to lose the weight and now I am looking into a belt lipectomy for the loose skin. So I say go for it; may you experience even half the happiness that I did and it will have been so very worthwhile for you. I wish you the best of luck.
   — Hackett

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