Has anyone had a seroma that kept filling with fluid again after being drained?

My plastic surgeon drained the seroma on my thigh (I had lipo about three weeks ago) on Monday. It's filled with fluid again almost like it was before he drained it. He said that if it did fill back up, he would inject it with a solution on Monday that would "irritate" the area and help keep it from filling again. Anyone have any experience with this?    — raye (posted on August 18, 2004)

August 18, 2004
I had one with my TT; my PS drained it with a needle for about a week, when that didnt work - he scheduled me for outpatient surgery and re-inserted the drain; which I ended up having for about 6 weeks.
   — star .

August 18, 2004
Hi. YEP! I had thighplasty 03Jun.....Had fluid extracted from 3 "pockets" at LEAST 5 times each. Fluid volume kept INCREASING. Had a drain put back in 16JUL... Got infected. Ended up in hospital for 3 days on IV antibiotics....Home nurse care for a week.... drain out, 18AUG I'm down to ONE POCKET THAT will need to be drained tomorrow.....what a long trip this has been!!!!! Never heard of the "fluid injection" you mention. I will ask my Dr. about it of luck to you......I'll let you know what he has to say...... (FYI I had a "perfect TT" experience in Feb - I was back to work AND the gym in 3 weeks....)
   — Debby M.

August 18, 2004
I had the "cocktail" injected into some of my drains after my LBL to try to get the areas they were draining to stop producing so much fluid. It seemed to help in one of the areas but not much in the other. I ended up with a total of 9 drains over an 8-week period with the LBL. <p>I also had extensive lipo in my legs with my 2nd PS in preparation for removing the skin in Nov. I ended up with an egg sized pocket near the groin. He drained it and by the next morning it was 3/4 full again. However, about a week later I realized it was gone and has stayed gone. So one day your's will decide to behave also, I'm sure. I have a large marble sized fluid cyst on my bra line from the last surgery. It was drained once and came right back. Since it's such a long drive to the surgeon we have just left it alone. He will remove the tissue when I have my legs done. There are some days I feel like draining it myself but haven't been brave enough yet.
   — zoedogcbr

August 19, 2004
I had seromas drained 3 times after my abdominoplasty. My doctor said the most he's ever drained on anyone is 4. After the 3rd one, he was ready to do it again but I asked him to wait and finally it re-absorbed back into my body and I never had to have another one drained again.
   — Patty H.

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