How many pounds above goal weight can I be before a tummy tuck?

I still have 40 or 45 pounds left to get to my goal weight, but I hate having this 'apron' hanging down. It hinders my ability to exercise and is really very unsightly. I would like to have a tummy tuck right now. I was wondering what your doctors have told you about the right time to consider a tummy tuck. For all I know I may only lose another 20 pounds or maybe even nothing more at all. I just can't see lamenting over this problem for much longer. Can anyone share what you have been told? By the way, I am down from 235 to 160 and I'm 5'3", apple shaped, female. {{{Thank you}}}.    — [Anonymous] (posted on April 6, 2000)

April 6, 2000
It's tough waiting but I've been told by all to wait as long as possible before the tt. Two considerations guide me at this point: obviously the additional loss will create more flap which I want to get rid of but also there's a notion in the insurance industry that the rapid weight loss from this surgery is what sometimes makes it qualify for reimbursement (believe it or not!) The magic number seems to involve a year's time and a 100 pound loss or more. That's most of us... so if you wait till you've lost 100 pounds(if you can/do) and if you make your request within a year of your wls surgery date, I think you optimze your chances of best surifgical result and best chance for insurance coverage. It worked for me in any event.
   — Carol M.

April 6, 2000
Hi. My doctor told me that I had to wait until I was one year post op before I had any plastic surgery.
   — Marjie W.

April 6, 2000
I forgot to tell everyone that answered my post that I am almost one year post op. That's why I'm not sure that I will lose any more weight. I've been at a stand still. Thank you for your answers. I appreciate the feedback.
   — [Anonymous]

April 6, 2000
Hi, my surgeon suggested I begin checking into a tummy tuck at my 6 month check up. BUT, he only suggested that because I have a spot on my stomach that healed in a funny way and sticks up. It's hard to describe, it's like a swollen spot on the right side of my tummy, about where my liver is. So, that was the reason for the push for a tummy tuck. And up to that point I had lost about 80 pounds too. Since then, I have lost another 20+ pounds and have also seen the plastic surgeon who said that, since my weight loss is slowing down, it would be all right to begin the process of submitting paperwork to the insurance company to try and get it covered by them. In addition to the TT I am going to try and get a breast lift/reduction. Of course, I had to have problems associated w/ the excess skin and sagging breasts, of which I had no problem documenting. Hope this helps...Good Luck...
   — Marni

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