I am less than 2 weeks post-op.

Did I stretch the pouch in the first week by being able to consume too much? I thought I was supposed to eat until I felt full -- that's what my dr. told me. But until this weekend, I never really did ever feel full. I would just stop out of fear. Now that I actually do feel full, I am eating much less than I did just last week. Is this right? Plus, I think I'm eating too fast but nothing happens to me.    — Beth B. (posted on May 7, 2000)

May 7, 2000
Beth: Exactly how much were you eating, and of what?
   — Jaye C.

May 7, 2000
Jaye C -- for instance, I was able to eat almost 3/4s of a baked potato with butter/sour cream last week and Saturday I could only eat three bites. Another time, half a burrito. Once I pureed half of a frozen dinner and could eat it all. One morning, about 1/2 cup of Cheerios and 1/3 of a banana. I ate all of it and didn't ever feel full, but stopped anyway.
   — Beth B.

May 7, 2000
I am having a similar problem, I am 2 weeks post op and at first could not tell if I was feeling hungry or full from the last meal. Just take it easy, breath deeply, relax, and then try to eat a little at a time...chew, chew, chew, and chew some more...You still have to get used to the new feelings of your brand new improved tummy! Also, I am not sure but it seems to me that depending on what your last meal was it may be taking a little longer for it to digest and may be sittin in your tummy longer than another lighter meal...that could be why you can eat more at one meal than another...GOOD LUCK and welcome to the other side!!!!
   — ginariso

May 8, 2000
Beth, When I was newly postop, I couldn't count on feeling full, so I measured everything for a few weeks. After a while, I was able to get the felling I was supposed to. Having said that, there are still days when I eat more than others. For example, one day I ate a Mc Donalds cheeseburger (took off the top of the bun, but ate the bottom) and a small fry! That seemed like alot to me, but then the next day, I couldn't really eat anything because I wasn't very hungry. As I watch my kids, I realize they eat differently day to day and I think that is normal. I am excited to think I may actually be eating normally after all these years!!! Good Luck!
   — M B.

May 8, 2000
Beth. I don't think you stratched your stomach. I think you would have know it...Pain or vomiting... I had my VGB surgery 5 years ago...I was told by our group psychologist, Dr. Rosemary Bowes, now my personal psychologist. She told our group that it was our pouch and it enables us to loose the weight by controling what we eat. this pouch can be enlarged by over eating. At first I did not feel full, think some may have been some nerve damage or numbness, If I overeat now...I know it. I feel horrible. Gas, Heartburn, and usually I vomit. Even now 5 years later. My problem is... In never feel hungry, enough so I have to be reminded to eat. Have you ever tried to eat when you are not hungry? I live in Waldorf MD, Almost across the Patomic River from you. Had surgery by Dr. Afram in Wahington DC. Any question, feel free... [email protected]
   — Avis G.

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