I am 6 days post op, and it seems as if my food is going down so hard

Before surgery I had acid reflux and it seemed as though my food was going down so hard, I still have the same feeling? Will that disapear? I am eating cottage cheese, yogurt and some imitation crab, Some water, milk and protein shakes. When will this hard stomach thing go away?    — peaceangel58 (posted on November 1, 2000)

November 1, 2000
Maybe you should keep on liquids a bit longer. I stayed on liquids for 2 weeks after surgery and then started on very thin oatmeal and grits. Your body may be telling you that its not quite ready for soft foods yet.
   — PNethery

November 1, 2000
I agree with Peggy ... six days post-op it took me half a day to drink 4 ounces of grape juice. I think you might be pushing the food thing a little quickly ... I'd stick with the liquids for at least another week or two, give yourself time to heal.
   — Cheryl Denomy

November 1, 2000
I was on a liquid diet for 2-3 weeks after surgery. I could have cambells chicken noodle soup added to the liquid diet after 1 week. It really helped with all the healing you have to do inside. I would definately back off the solids for a bit longer.
   — Gina K.

November 1, 2000
It gets easier! You just had major surgery 6 days ago so be patient. It was a few weeks before I could really eat without it going down "hard" like you can feel it all the way down, but it has gotten easier. Hang in there!
   — Andrea P.

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