Any Vegies out there?

I did search in the database and found an old question, but want to communicate with some current vegetarians that are pre or post op to discuss issues of vegetarianism and protein. I'm concerned that the best protein sources I am finding are beans, legumes and grains that are hard for us to eat early on in post-op. I still eat eggs but on a limited basis, so really don't want to eat eggs everyday. What about getting all or most of the needed 60 grams or so of protein from the protein powder? Talk to me vegie people!    — potterylady (posted on November 14, 2000)

November 14, 2000
Hi, I'm a vegetarian. I had an open proximal RNY on July 17, 2000. When I was allowed pureed and then soft foods I depended on lactose reduced cottage cheese, soft scrambled egg, yogurt, pureed beans, squooshed tofu, oatmeal, egg custard, cream of wheat with lactose reduced milk, etc. I hated the taste of all the protein drinks. I couldn't drink them all at once and sipping over long periods of time made the texture change to something disgusting (in my opinion). What I ate then, is pretty much what I eat now, but now I chew it. I've added seitan, veggie burgers, tvp, etc. I was trying to get all my protein in my meals, but I found it really hard to do. I was constantly feeling pressured to "get it all in". I was hoping to find a protein pill - unfortunately, no one has invented that yet. I do use protein bars occasionally - nibble, nibble all day long. To me they feel too much like candy and I don't like the feeling of "grazing" all day. I've discovered some vile tasting protein liquid. I was able to get liquid protein in a health food store. I also order it from Yes, its vile, but I swig it, swallow it, and then I don't have to worry about getting enough protein. I don't fill up on protein to the exclusion of fruits, vegetables, and starches. Before I started the liquid protein, I was getting really bored with my food. Now my diet feels much more varied and normal. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.
   — Cecilia M.

November 14, 2000
I have been a vegetarian for quite a few years now. I just had my surgery on 8-28-2000. My surgeon does not want us on protien drinks at all,so I have been trying to be creative. I was very worried about not getting in enough protien,but so far so good! It has been 10 weeks & I am down 55 pounds. There are cheeses,butter & even cream cheese you can get that are all made with soy protien. Also,Lightlife has a great line of soy made "meats" that are high in protien & low in carbs & fat. They make hot dogs,turkey & balogna--all made from soy protien & quite yummy! I get these products in the produce section of my grocery store. They also carry a whole line of soy made "meats" from chipped ham to canadian bacon. Also,I put soynuts in my salads...mmmmm! Add a hard boiled egg & some soy cheese & you are set. Another thing that is quite tasty is tofu crumbles (also in the produce section). I use it in place of ground beef when it is called for in recipies. The protien bars are a good idea too,but be carefull as they tend to be high in carbs. I try to get all my protien in before I have any thing else,so I rarely eat bread,pasta or rice anymore. I tend to fill up really fast on just a few bites,so I try to make it worthwhile everytime! If you have any questions,please feel free to email me. Best of luck to you!
   — melmas

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