Sick of gatorade and water!

Ok, I had open RNY on November 28, 2000. I am having a problem getting all my fluids in. All I drink is milk. Water makes me feel hungry and I just don't like it. I am so sick of gatorade and crystal light. What else is there that I can drink? HELP!    — Maxine C. (posted on December 25, 2000)

December 25, 2000
Try herbal teas, or other decaffinated tea, hot or iced. Decaf coffee, latte's, sugar free hot chocolate, water with fresh fruit slices (lemon, lime, organge) in it. Just a few ideas :o)
   — BethVBG

December 25, 2000
I like to make iced tea with Nutra-Sweet in it. Also, there is sugar free Kool-Aid that I drink. I don't drink Gatorade so I'm not sure but doesn't it have a lot of sugar in it? Just curious...Never did like it LOL You can also get flavored teas, strawberry, peach and so forth...make iced tea w/ Nutra-Sweet out of those as well...Hugs~
   — Marni

December 25, 2000
I have an electric Juiceman, so I make carrot/apple juice. Yum. Also, I drink orange juice (no sugar added), apple juice. Also, there's sugar-free tang. I enjoy Diet Snapple. Tomato Juice is good. And, I agree with whoever questioned the Gatorade -- that's too high in sugar. Become a reader of labels. We don't need empty calories - and that's what sugar is. A good hot drink is hot broth, for a change. Also, I drink coffee. Best wishes.
   — Cindy H.

December 26, 2000
I drink water with a slice of lemon or lime in it, diet Snapple, Diet Ice, herb tea, and Americanos from Starbucks. Variety is key, and just be open to trying something new. I also found that cold drinks did not set well. Room Temperature or warm works best for me.
   — Cara S.

December 26, 2000
You can substitute Splenda for any drink mix that is normally made with sugar without compromising taste - coffee, tea, regular kool-aid packets, etc. Good luck.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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