can someone recommend a Plastic surg in the washington Dc area?

I need a Plastic Surgeon who would at least try to get insurance approval for my tummy and thigh lift.Thanks    — Monica J. (posted on October 29, 2002)

October 30, 2002
Monica, do you attend any support group meetings in your area? I go to the Staple Club meetings out in Fairfax, VA. i know thats a little haul from Laurel, but there are dozens and dozens of post-op women there and many have had plastic surgery. Go to for their schedule. Your surgeon might know of some in this area too.
   — Cindy R.

October 30, 2002
I heard Dr. afram is a good surgeon. He has a website
   — Debbie W.

October 30, 2002
I don't have a plastic surgeon for you... but you might sign up for Dr. Afram's mailing list at yahoo.. just search afram ossg... and ask there.. lots of the folks on that list have had plastic surgery... <br> Dr. Afram is not really a plastic surgeon... I know he does tucks and such with people when he does hernia repair.. but he does RnY mostly...
   — Lisa C.

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