I am three pre-op and broke, how do I get all the vitamins I need cheaply?

I am having my rny surgery on Nov. 18, and I was trying to get everything together before I have the surgery. Everything I am finding is so exspensive. I had to take out a loan to pay for my share of the surgery. Does anyone know where I can get the vitamins I need, Inexspensive? Please I need help with this. Any advice is appriciated.    — Tonya J. (posted on October 29, 2002)

October 29, 2002
I haven't had surgery yet, but I use for the stuff I buy right now. They have excellant prices, and often they offer free shipping. Check them out. :)
   — autumn F.

October 29, 2002
wal-mart is a great cheap place to buy supplements. You could also ask your surgeon to prescribe them IF your insurance will cover supplements. A few do - most don't. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 29, 2002
Do you have a friend who is pregnant? The reason I ask is that my doctor put me on prenatal vitamins. Since my oldest is pregnant this is going to work out fine. The first script he gave me, I got filled and it cost me $8.00 at the local Wal-Mart. Regarding the prenatal vitamins, the doctors nurse told me that they are the est to take. Again, this is one Doctors opinion, but they are easy to take and go down fine. I take one at night and my calcium in the morning.
   — channa

October 29, 2002
My doc told me to take chewable childrens vitamins. I take 2/day and they are essentially the same as one of the chewable centrum adult vitamins which is much more expensive. You don't even have to buy Flintstones..Walmart has a generic brand of children's vitamins for a couple of dollars a bottle.
   — sheltie

October 29, 2002
I get some chewables at the dollar stores. The ones I get are two dollars and take them twice a day (when I remember which is'nt often).
   — Danmark

October 29, 2002
My surgeon gave us samples of vitamins, liquid protein and protein drinks to get us started. Ask yours and maybe they can help you until you get on your feet.
   — Sue A.

October 29, 2002
We are surgery sisters! I am having surgery on the 18th as well. I'm on a really tight budget, so what I did was go to Wal Mart and buy their generic brand childrens chewable with Iron. They are cheaper than any other thing I have been able to find and my doctor recommends them highly. Good luck on your surgery!

October 30, 2002
Vitamins don't have to be expensive. I get mine at the local grocery store pharmacy and they're less than $20 for a two month supply of the multi, B-12 and A&d which my surgeon said I should take. I get Calcium Citrate from Vitamin Shoppe for about $11 per bottle.
   — Cathy S.

October 31, 2002
All I have to say it Walmart, Walmart, Walmart! They carry a line called spring valley. I bought each suppliment for under $5 each: b12 complex sublingual, iron, and primrose oil (keeps hair from falling out). I bought citrical $6 and a children's chewable multi $3 (walmart brand). Together under $25. Go to Walmart! I hope you have one near you!
   — ravenprevia

November 1, 2002
My doctor has me taking a prenatal vitamin and eating 6 tums a day. I purchased them both for under 5.oo at family dollar and dollar general.
   — Tracey H.

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