Why isn't there a way to keep track of the questions you've asked?

I think there should be links to all the questions people have asked personally on their profile page. It would be much easier to keep up with the answers b/c you could just go to your profile page then click on the question you have posted and see all the responses. You could possibly also include a message next to the link that shows if there are new responses to your question. It is like this on a site called and it was really helpful. Just a suggestion :)    — Tracy L. (posted on December 2, 2002)

December 2, 2002
Make a folder in your favorite places...then open one of your questions and save it to the new folder.
   — Jon S.

December 2, 2002
Hi Tracy: What a great question! I have thought about this so many times, but never thought to ask. I have saved the questions to my favorites, but I don't think that will cover it when a new person posts. Before you post a question, they ask you go go to the library. I have done that, but sometimes you just need current advice, even if the question was asked before. If someone is going to the library to answer an old question of mine, chances are great that I will never see that answer, even if I put it in my favorites. I guess the best way is to keep track of the category you put your question into, and go to that topic. Hope this helps. Love Grace
   — Grace H.

December 3, 2002
The favorite places concept will work...If someone posts to that page and you open it again from your favorite places, it will be updated with whomever posted a new answer.
   — Jon S.

December 3, 2002
One other may have to push the refresh button in order for it to update.
   — Jon S.

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