Does your calcium intake affect your weight loss?

I read somewhere here in the questions and answers section how calcium intake can affect your weight loss, but for the life of me I cannot find that posting again! As a hope-to-be-soon menopausal woman, I'm concerned about my calcium intake and have been supplimenting my diet with calcium tablets. My weight loss has been "eratic" to say the least, already hitting 2 plateaus within the 8 weeks following my surgery (I've lost 36# so far). I'm wondering if taking the supplemental calcium could be slowing my weight loss or if maybe I'm not taking enough. So now's the time all you wise old(er) post-oppers to educate me as well as other "newbies" who might need the benefit of your expertise. Thanks for always being there. cj    — cj T. (posted on May 9, 2000)

May 9, 2000
Hi Cj... If you go to the home page and do a keyword search on 'calcium' it will bring up the article... it is under the 'health related' topics with 'calcium' as the subtopic... Take Care
   — California J.

May 10, 2000
Hi CJ, I did read a report on a study stating that calcium increase did cause greater weight loss in rats. I assume this means it helps us, too. I am taking a calcium supplement and I have not had a problem with plateaus yet (fingers crossed). Hope this helps!
   — Laura P.

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