My sweet tooth has returned!

The first three months post-op I couldn't bear to think about sweets let alone eat I actually have started to crave them and actually eaten two squares of a chocolate bar and several cookies over the last two weeks. What can I do?    — Margo F. (posted on February 11, 2002)

February 11, 2002
I never touched sugar for over a year. I dumped. When I crave something sweet I eat sugarless. Great sugarless chocolates and cookies. If I can't find a substitute I like and must have the real thing , I go to a bakery and buy 1 of something , one cookie one doughnut. But really try to avoid sugar , it is a killer , besides sugar ingestion causes more sugar cravings.
   — Rose A.

February 11, 2002
allow yourself to have occasional sweets otherwise it will become like an obsession. make wise choices..sometimes some little thing will take care of the craving..good low/no fat ideas are tootsie roll, jelly belly jelly beans (they make sugar free too and you can't tell the difference) If it does not make you sick there is nothing wrong with an occassional treat, just remember everything in moderation.
   — [Anonymous]

February 11, 2002
I am sitting here contemplating how I will address my PMS need for a taste of chocolate right now, and I have learned to eat sugar free/fat free sweets and enjoy them. It has gotten so that the thought of the real thing makes me sick. Anyway, a good treat that I kind of made up... Keep a tub of Cool Whip Free in the freezer.( I always keep one in the feezer at all times for just such an's like ice cream!) Take it out and put about 4 tablespoons (30 calories, 1 sugar, 6 carbs, no fat) and put two tablespoons of Sweet N Low brand sugar free chocolate syrup on top (20 calories, no sugar, no fat, 6 carbs) then put the bowl in the freezer for about 15 minutes. The chocolate syrup becomes a hard shell and it tastes like an ice cream hard shell sundae! It satisfies me every time and I feel like I am eating something sinful! Also, sugar free hot cocoa is good with a dollop of Cool Whip Free, also sugar free jello or pudding. There are lots of things to try that will keep you satisfied but won't give you stuff you don't need. Yes, everything in moderation, but if eating something high in sugar or fats will make you feel bad physically and especially mentally, then find things that won't sabatoge all your hard work and you can feel good about it. I look at this surgery as a life long commitment and feel that I must maintain some control over what I put in my mouth now that I have taken this drastic step in my life. I decided that food will not control me anymore. I have a ball finding things that are good for me now but that still satisfy those very normal urges. Best of luck...
   — Vicki K.

February 11, 2002
I use protein like a SHIELD to control these cravings. I can have the ________. All I have to do is finish this protein drink FIRST. Has worked for years. But I LOVE Vicki's idea of the sinfully harmless treat! That is FABULOUS! Especially since it would satisfy that texture thing, which is what I find myself craving.
   — vitalady

February 11, 2002
I went through a period of about 2 months where I fell off the wagon big time on sweets. My sugar tolerance seemed to increase right around Halloween. =( I went a little crazy for a couple of months but when I started eating one protein bar a day and making sure my protein grams were about 100 per day, the sugar and carb craving magically disappeared. I think the protein bars are sweet enough to satisfy my sweet tooth and upping the protein made me crave it less. I do every once in a while eat sugar free sweets (they are kinda high in fat, tho) and I like the Sweet-n-Low peanut butter chocolate wafers. They are AWESOME and taste like the real mccoy. BTW, I hate most protein bars, but if you want to try the protein bar technique :) I have found four that are tasty and have good texture. Email me and I'll be glad to share my list! Good luck!
   — ctyst

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