My approved surgeon only does a very short (16 inches) proximal RNY. I am very

very concerned that I will not be able to keep the weight off, long term because of the short by-pass. Is there anyone who has been successful in this same situation?    — Stephanie S. (posted on June 19, 2002)

June 19, 2002
Check out LuAnne Sullivan's profile. She had an open RYN proximal with Dr. McDonald in Greenville, NC. I had his associate Dr. Chapman, but am only 3 months post-op. LuAnne is now on the Before and After photo pages and has gone from 291 to 137. She looks marvelous! I am beginning to believe that a lot of the success of the surgery is what you do with it and not what kind of surgery you had. I do think that has an impact on how quickly you lose along with your own body chemistry make-up, but success is more in your willingness to work the program as given to you. Here's hoping we both make it work!
   — Tparker

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