I'm 3 mo post op & lost 65 lbs What can I do about my arms?

They are deformed looking. They are very muscular on top but they hang REALLY bad on the underneath. I really don't want to have plastic surgery but I do want to wear sleveless shirts. Does anyone know what I can do? I'm very self concious. I can't even wear short sleeves.    — heddo30 (posted on June 27, 2002)

June 27, 2002
Sorry, I don't really have an answer for you, but I can totally relate to what you are experiencing. My arms are doing the exact same thing. I'll be curious to see what other's post. Good luck!!
   — Christine L.

June 27, 2002
do some toning exercises. I do them and my arms are looking normal now. 3 months out down 80 pounds richard simmons has a toning video that comes with a toning cord you can buy at a video store or media is called broadway sweat and toning. the toning video is only 20 minutes and boy it works you alot. GOOD LUCK
   — Shannon L.

June 27, 2002
Hi, I agree the other poster on doing toning exercises. I am 11 months post op, and really didn't do too much exercise, and had terrible hanging. I joined a Curves about 7 weeks ago, started toning my arms, and they look so much better, as does the rest of my bod. I was so embarrassed to wear anything sleeveless, and now I'm wearing tank tops. I never thought exercising would help the hanging skin, but it REALLY does! :)
   — Carey N.

June 27, 2002
I had expected I would have to have plastic surgery on my arms; they are terrible, like already mentioned. I have talked to the plastic surgeon who did my TT & he has suggested I get a personal trainer to really specifically target my problem areas. He said it literally takes YEARS for the skin to retract as much as it will eventually. I was pretty strident about wanting surgery & he has convinced me to wait for a while & see how much improvement I can get without the scars, which he says are very significant. So, that's what I'm gonna try. I have lost 175 pounds, almost all in one year & I'm over 2 years post op.
   — Kathy W.

June 27, 2002
I've tried the exercises for my arms but the skin is still hanging down SO far that it looks disgusting!!! I have a meeting with the plastic surgeon on Monday and plan on having an arm lift in August with my tt.
   — Patty H.

June 27, 2002
Boy do I hear you... I have over 5 inches of hangin' flab so far, and told my DH if a big wind comes by I wouldn't be surprised if I took flight!!! I'm told in addition to the wt. loss, genetics plays a part(sigh) (I can remember the feeling of my dear grandmas). NO amount of working out is gonna help these batwings...brachioplasty here I come!!
   — Denise W.

June 28, 2002
I can relate!!! Four years post-op and that is still a major concern for me. Exersize does not help this area at all...and the more you lose the worse the problem gets. As I type this, I'm wearing a long sleeve shirt with the rolled up to my elbow....I will not show more arm than that! (lol) I've always felt forunate that I didn't require a tunmmy I'm not so sure that I was insurer might have paid for the tummy tuck....if I want brachioplasty (...and I do)...I'll have to pay for that myself.
   — margaret N.

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