What can I do to get insurance to pay for a tt?

I need a tummy tuck. My insurance company said they will pay if the dr. codes it as medically necessary. I am very careful about drying myself so I don't get rashes, so there really isn't anything in my chart about problems. I suppose it is really cosmetic (because it's so darned UGLY), but is there anything I can do or say to get the dr. to code it so insurance will pay? I think it should all be part of the gastric bypass package. If they approve one, they should approve the other. It all goes together. Help anyone???    — blank first name B. (posted on July 29, 2002)

July 30, 2002
Janice, Not to be gross or anything, try going without washing it, get a rash, go to the doctor complain about it, it gets worse take pictures of it. Just an idea, I'm only post op by 2 months, but I would probably do the same. Good luck, and God Bless
   — tannedtigress

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