Having anxiety and second thoughts

I'm having my tummy tuck and breast reduction 1/22 and am starting to have second thoughts. I'm 54 and do I really need to mutilate myself some more? Am I silly to want a flat tummy and boobs that aren't to my waist? Need some serious encouragement here. I'm 18 months post op RNY, down 95# and feeling like a big chicken! I wasn't nearly as nervous about the bypass as I am about this surgery and the possible outcome. Help!! Linda    — LLinderman (posted on January 17, 2003)

January 17, 2003
I say go for it! I only hope that I myself have such good loss that I'll go for reconstructive surgery. I don't think you're ever too old to live out your dreams. If you dream of having a flat tummy and boobs on your chest, who the hell is to say you shouldn't have that? And those who say you shouldn't are just jealous. Love yourself enough to go after your dreams and never let anyone else say anything derogatory about your dreams. Here's to having a flat tummy and perky boobs! *hugs* -Michelle
   — Michelle B.

January 17, 2003
You are so lucky to have this problem! I doubt my insurance will pay and I don't have the money. Wish it was me who was sweaten bullets right now! You hang in there. I know surgery makes us all nervous. If you are sure this is right for you, then hang in there. ;)
   — Danmark

January 17, 2003
I think you need to adjust your attitude. You have not mutilated yourself. That word bothers me. It's never bad to try to improve yourself-physically or otherwise. Age is just a state of mind. Why shouldn't you look good at your age. Chin up and Good luck. You deserve it.
   — susan P.

January 17, 2003
I think you need to adjust your attitude. You have not mutilated yourself. That word bothers me. It's never bad to try to improve yourself-physically or otherwise. Age is just a state of mind. Why shouldn't you look good at your age. Chin up and Good luck. You deserve it.
   — susan P.

January 17, 2003
I don't know about the tummy tuck but I had breast reduction two years ago. I will be honest and say that it was the best thing I have ever done. They removed 6 pounds total. It was the most unpainful surgery I have had. Seriously, I took a pain pill for the ride home and never touched another. It was uncomfortable in that I felt like I had a really tight bra on that I couldn't take off. But there was very, very little pain. Go for it!!
   — lindadougherty

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