don't know what happened, but here is the rest of my question.

My DH is not happy about my lack of sex drive, and I can't really blame him. I found a supplement called Rekindle that contains 250 mg of Calcium, 1250 mg of L-Arginine, ginseng, Damiana Leaf (25 mg), and Ginko Leaf extract. You're supposed to take two tablets twice a day with a multi-vitamin. This is supposed to have "a positive effect on a woman's sexual desire and satisfaction". What do you guys think? This is a little embarassing, but we're all friends here right? Help! This issue is starting to effect my 10 year marriage. Oh, and if you're wondering, this is not just since I've been post-op. It was a problem before.    — Lesa H. (posted on February 1, 2003)

February 1, 2003
Hi Lesa, I'd say forget the pills, and just get a little frisky, instead of "making love" just be kids and play around and fool around with each other. lol dont try so hard "no pun intended" chew on his ears, little love bites, on his neck and chest, take turnes, make it fun and exciting. Maybe spray a little perfume behind your ears or stop by the store and pick up some great smelling cologne for him, that turns you on. and let the party begin! ENJOY :0)
   — wizz46

February 1, 2003
I agree with Rosemary. Don't try so hard, and forget the pills. If trying to make it fun doesn't work, maybe you could talk to your regular doctor, and get some viagra. I'm not kidding! I've read that it's been prescribed to women too! I know for me, if I get bugged about sex, I don't WANT to anymore, and I have to say leave me ALONE for a few days. Then, when "I" want it, it's more fun. Don't give up! :)
   — Diana L.

February 1, 2003
I have been having the same problem. I am totatlly not interested at all. I have asked my gyne about it, he told it could be stress...try to discuss it with my husband. Well, it hasn't really changed anything. My husband bugs me constantly and I am always like NO. I wish I knew why...I mean, geez, it's much more enjoyable, but I am never in the mood, ya know? I hope some one gives you a really good answer, cuz I am curious too!!!
   — bevewy

February 1, 2003
Lesa, I think maybe you should talk to you GYN about that. Your hormones are getting a little mixed up. He/SHe may be able to help you with that, you don't say how old you are. But if you are in your 40's you may be having the beginning of menapause. I went through a time of not being in the mood after I had my hysterectomy. But, either way I bet your Gyn could help. Good Luck :-)
   — KellyJeanB

February 1, 2003
I am very sorry you are going through this and I know how frustrating it can be. I have never had this problem myself, in fact, I was in the same boat as your husband. My desire was strong and my husbands was not, it got so bad that I considered leaving him. It turned out that once I made up my mind that I couldn't take it anymore, he started to evaluate what was going on. His job was putting him through mass amounts of stress and he was so depressed he was making himself physically ill. He was exhausted all of the time and he shut himself off from the world and me. Once he realized it had been destroying me, not just him, he made an effort to focus on what was really important to him, our marriage and his health. I am not saying that this is your problem, but I know that stress and other outside influences can dramatically affect your sex life. Hormone fluctuation and some birth control methods can also be a factor.
   — Karen E.

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