A question about Glucerna

Sometimes on TV I see commercials about Glucerna, and I was wondering if anyone had tried them postop or not. If you did, how did you tolerate it? Sometimes I just dont feel like eating and I thought once in a while I'd try one. In case someone is wondering what is Glucerna, it's a lot like Ensure, but it's made for diabetics.    — Kris T. (posted on March 9, 2003)

March 8, 2003
My surgeon's dietician recommended Choice DM in our pre-op diet classes, which is about the same thing. I tolerated it well, and still have it sometimes. I really liked the fact that it was portable. I went to a wedding reception 4 days post op, and took a can along in case I needed it. I went on a trip to Florida with a high school marching band 1 month post op and took several cans on the bus with me, just in case. I carried a can in my backback in the parks down there. It has more nutritional value than some canned protein drinks (in the way of vitamins and minerals) with less sugar than some canned products. They do make the stuff sweet, so you may have to cut it with some milk (or Lactaid milk) at first.
   — koogy

March 9, 2003
Just be careful, if you are very sensitive to sugar (dumping) father is diabetic, and while the sugar grams are low, it still contained too many sugar grams for him to be able to use it, so check the numbers before trying it. Good luck
   — Kelly B.

March 9, 2003
I am diabetic, and have not had the surgery yet. I drink the Glucerna (diabetic) now. I like it alot, but I know that after my WLS, I will not be able to drink it, because it has to much sugar. I tried the Carb Solution because it is portable, but it was not very good, from what I hear is what you may like before surgery you may not like after surgery. So I am going to get some of the powder Whey protein that I can use, and then try to find another protein I like as well as Glucerna. Hope this helps
   — cindy

March 9, 2003
Hey there. I was taking Glucerna for the first 3 weeks after my surgery which I had on Nov. 21, 2002. To be honest I liked it at the beginning but then after a while the CHALKY taste would get to me and I could never hold it down. Everyone, however, is different. Just give it a try. Good Luck to you.
   — Regina C.

March 9, 2003
Glucerna has 29 carbs (7 of which are sugar) and only 10 grams of protein in each 8 ounce can - and 220 calories. It's a wee bit better than slimfast which has 40 carbs (for the chocolate royale - some have more!) and 220 calories. As a protein supplement they both fall far short. But if it's all you can tolerate it's sure better than nothing.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 10, 2003
I tried drinking only 1/2 a can of the glucerna and go so was awful! I don't know if it was dumping, but I sure felt hideous. A couple days later I tried a couple bites of one of the bars and the same thing happened. I don't know what it was but ugh! I did just discover a really good bar though. It's by Atkins and comes in a box of's the Morning Start Breakfast Bars -- Creamy Cinnamon's as good as a candy bar to me!
   — Lynette B.

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