Questions about thigh lift...

I am becoming more interested in the plastic/reconstructive surgeries available. I know I am in need of a thigh lift (and a tummy tuck along with mons pubis lift). I don't know if my insurance will cover the thigh lift so I am curious about prices. I understand that prices are higher in certain areas of the US- I live in S.C. For those who have had a thigh lift- what was the total cost, including hospital, anesthesia, etc.? How long of a hospital stay am I probably looking at? Could the thigh lift involve some liposuction on the hips or would that be another procedure?....I am only 6 months post-op and still have about 30/40 pounds til I reach my goal. I am just trying to plan ahead alittle....Thanks!.......Karen (lap rny- 9/20/03- down 118 pounds!)    — karmiausnic (posted on March 13, 2003)

March 12, 2003
I know two friends that had approval for medial thigh lifts. So make sure you at least try the insurance route and appeal if necessary. Each state + doctor's differ in all the other questions. It's best to consult with a few doctors and get their opinion and details. Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

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