I need more information on PS from those who had Insurance pay....

I do know that BCBS PPO will cover some areas of PS, but I don't have major hanging skin, just enough to want to fix it. What is the best way to get insurance to cover it or pay for some of it? Does it have to be a medical problem? I see the PS in a couple weeks, anything I should say to him? Thanks for the help:o)    — Sandy M. (posted on May 30, 2003)

May 30, 2003
I too was unsure if insurance would pay for my PS as I had not documented skin rashes etc with any doctor or had any other "real" problems other than just wanting the skin removed. I went to see a PS who submitted the request with a letter to the insurance. It took about 3 weeks but I did receive approval for abdominoplasty with Humana HMO. I'm not sure what they said in the letter but it worked! I have since switched to a different PS as the first one wanted an additional $3000 cosemetic fee on top of what the insurance pays. So I asked around and my OB/GYn referred me to another surgeon who does not charge the additional cosmetic fee. Best of luck!
   — Mindy S.

May 30, 2003
I never thought in a million years that my TT would be approved. I didn't really have any hanging skin. It was squishy and I had a LOT of stretch marks from 4 pregnancies. But I gave it a try just to see and got approved. I had my TT 4 weeks ago. They only removed two pounds of skin but most of my stretchmarks. It looks great, I love it. I just bought my first bikini.
   — Linda A.

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