How long after surgery will I be unable to go boating?

I love boating (the best family therapy there is!) I'm having lap RNY Aug 7th. Haven't had my pre-op appts yet, so I haven't yet asked the surgeon. Any ideas about how long after surgery before I'll be able to be back on the boat? Thank you! :) Audra    — jellybean0605 (posted on June 4, 2003)

June 4, 2003
By back on the boat, do you mean as a crew member or as a passenger? If it's as a passenger as soon as you feel up to it - anywhere from 1 week up to a couple of months. As a crew member? With all the pulling ropes and such you want to really be careful straining your stomach muscles for the first couple months at least!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 10, 2003
I think it was a month or less when I went back on a boat.
   — Danmark

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