Has any with Tri-Care Prime had excess stomach skin removed?

I am not sure where to start with this. I am a military family member and have Tri-Care Prime Insurance. I went in this morning to my PC on Fort Riley to see about having my excess stomach skin removed. I am still having a lot of back pain and the pain medicine hurts my stomach. I have also had infections in the folds of the extra skin. I spoke with PA Graylow. He will not write me a request for a referral to have the skin removed. He said that the request would have to come from the doctor that did my gastric bypass. I asked PA Graylow why and he really did not have any answers for me. With all the units deployed here if is very difficult to see the other doctors in my PC. I asked PA Graylow if they would write me a referral to see Dr. Steward again and he told me no because I just saw him in July. I am feeling a little frustrated right now. I am going to see the patient rep. on Monday and need some more information to take with me. PLEASE HELP. Thank you!!!!    — Kimberly V. (posted on September 12, 2003)

September 12, 2003
forget the patient tricare and THEY will set up the appointment that you need.
   — franbvan

September 15, 2003
I had Tricare prime when I had my surgery. I had lost about 100 pounds without WLS. I had to appeal it twice, but as long as you had WLS and have an overhanging pannus and have symptons of rashes and problems keeping the area clean. You should have no problem.
   — HOPE L.

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