How many did not lose 100 by 6 months post-op?

I am 3 1/2 months post op, started out 320 at 5'5. I have lost 61 pounds so far. I am worried that I may not make 100 pound by my 6 month anniversary. How much did those of you with similar stats lose at 6 months? Did many of you not make the 100 pound mark? And if you did make it, how much had you lost at 3 1/2 months out?    — Stacie B. (posted on October 18, 2003)

October 18, 2003
Hello..I had open RNY July 15,2002. I started at 315lbs. and I'm 5'6" so we are similar in stats. I did not make the 100 lb. mark until 10 months. I am a slow loser. The first month I lost 23 lbs. then about 10-11 lbs. per month after that. At the 6 month point I started only losing about 4 per month. At this point I am down 120lbs. and still have 30-35 more and I don't think I'll make it. But if I don't I'm still much happier at 195lbs. than the 300+ that I was. Don't get discouraged everyone loses differently. Congratulations on the terrific weight loss so far your doing Great!
   — Sheryann Z.

October 18, 2003
Hi, I'm same height and started out about same weight and am 3 months, 58#s down. I think we're doing great! Good luck!
   — Joan R.

October 18, 2003
I also have similar stats - I started at 311 and I'm at 51 pounds off in first 11 weeks. I don't know if I'll make it to the century mark by 6 months, but it is really not that imporant. It is good to have a goal, but not good to let a goal that some achieve-some don't, become a standard that makes you feel like a failure if you don't achieve it.
   — bethybb

October 18, 2003
Hi, I'm only 4 months post op and I've only lost 42lbs, I am not losing the weight like everyone else and I doubt if I will make a 100 lbs loss in 6 months, maybe by the end of a year of year and a half. I am very motivated about losing, but I know my body doesn't react like a normal persons would, I react backwards to most medical problems I have. Good luck with your quest. Keep smiling.
   — Deborah

October 18, 2003
Hi. I started at 5'5" and 291. I'm 5 months post op and down 100 lbs. I was down about 70 lbs at 12 weeks. We are all different and we will all get there at our own body's pace. Please don't worry, it's not the speed in which you reach the destination, only that you do. You will get there! Many blessings. Lisa A 291/192/150
   — Happy I.

October 18, 2003
Me. Didn't hit my 100 til 8 months. But I got there. And stayed.
   — vitalady

October 18, 2003
Please dont put so much pressure on yourself. This is not a race to see how much and how fast you get the weight off. You are doing great and right on track. I made myself sick worring when I would hit the century club. I finally had to get real with myself. My body will do it in it own sweet time. I was 8 months and a few days out when I lost 100 pounds. I'm now almost 1 year out and have lost 122 pounds and I'm 8 pounds from my goal. One thing my doc told me was after you lose 100 pounds, the loss really slows down and you have to work to get the rest off. For me, that was so true. Good luck to you. ~Sidney~ Open RNY 10-23-02 down 120+ and counting
   — Siddy I.

October 18, 2003
ME!! ARG.. I am 7 months post op and have lost 82 pounds.. I only started at 251 but was hoping I was 100 pounds loss by now.. Im on a 3 week plateau right now so its really frustrating for me right now loosing and gaining the same 3-4 pounds..
   — Catherine B

October 19, 2003
I started at 275, 5'5", it has taken me every bit of a year to lose 100. Try not to compare yourself to others, you are doing just great. Keep up the protein supplement, find an exercise program that you can handle, and just do it. YOUR DAY WILL COME!! Hugs, Valerie 8/26/02 275/170/??
   — Valerie B.

October 19, 2003
Danger! Beware of putting a timeline on what you "should" loose by a certain period of're doing great so far, but nothing is guaranteed with WLS, and with few exceptions it may take well over a year to reach your goal. I had my surgery in April of last year and have just recently reached my goal...granted, I could have done a lot to speed it up (like exercise, drink lots of water, blah blah blah) but at least it happened...and for awhile there I thought it never would. Keep up the good work, don't stress if you reach a plateau, and keep the faith that it will happen...
   — rebeccamayhew

October 19, 2003
I am 16 months PO and still havent reached 100 #. I had exactly 100 to lose and am stuck at 97 pounds. I am considered at goal and have gone from a 22/24 to a 10 so I cant complain. Good luck, Lesley
   — Lesley T.

October 19, 2003
It took me a year to lose 100 lbs. I started out at 325 and am unable to exercise. Now I am at 201 and 20 months out and still very slowly losing. "Inchworm, inchworm, measuring the marigolds..." At least I am going in the right direction! Nina in Maine
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 19, 2003
I did not reach 100 pounds until 9 months...and the world came to a crashing halt! Just kidding. I'm sorry. You CANNOT set yourself up for failure by making a timeline of weightloss for yourself. Don't do it. You will lose 100 pounds. It may take you 6 months, it may take you 12 months, the point is you will do it and it does not matter how long it takes.
   — Kristen S.

October 19, 2003
I am 6 mos out and down 75lbs. I am also in a 6 week plateau even though I am doing everything right. I am not worried about it. As I have learned from AMOS many people go through these. The question is not "Did you make it to 100lbs" but might better be asked "Did you get to 70 or 80% of your overweight amount". At 75% some people should be at -75lbs (if they had 100 to lose) or if they have more to lose that # would be higher in many cases. Good luck -
   — M B.

October 20, 2003
Where does this idea come from? Is there some dr. out there telling patients that they will lose 100 pounds by 6 months?! I didn't even lose that fast with my original surgery 8 years ago, and I definetely didn't lose that fast as a revision. I am currently 15 months post op and sitting at -90 pounds. Look at it this way, by the time you are 2-3 years out and sitting at goal, is it really going to matter how fast/slow it took you to get there?
   — Ali M

October 20, 2003
I'm with the previous poster: when did this turn into a race? And goodness gracious: when was the last time you lost 61 pounds in 15 weeks? Do everything you're supposed to do (get your protein, drink your water, take your vitamins, and exercise if you can), and the rest will take care of itself. Don't set goals for yourself for which you do not control the outcome; you are guaranteed to feel like a failure WHEN THERE WAS NOTHING YOU COULD DO ABOUT IT! Don't set weight goals, and don't set percentage goals (a previous poster's suggestion that you should lose 60% to 75% of your weight in six months is also unrealistic for some--the surgery is considered a medical success at about 60% to 65% of excess weight lost. No one should expect that in 6 months, or feel like a failure if they deon't get there). I started out thinking I could be very happy if I lost (and kept off) 100 pounds in a year. You didn't put the weight on overnight, it won't come off overnight. You're doing very well. Keep on doing what you're supposed to, and you will be alright in the end (whenever the end is!).
   — Vespa R.

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