2 surgeries at once reply....................

I am having my tt done on 2/9/04 and then my doctor will do my breast reduction 3 weeks later. He told me its to much of a risk. He is out of New Port Beach and has been in practice for over 20 years. I guess I would rather be safe than sorry.    — pesterrr (posted on January 22, 2004)

January 21, 2004
Hi, I think that if you feel comfortable with your doctor, that you should do what he feels is best. That aside, I had a TT and my arms done at the same time. I was in surgery for about 7 hours with no problems. My sister has a TT and breast reduction done at the same time. She was also in surgery for close to 7 hours with no problems. On the other hand, I have a friend who says her doctor wants to do her arms in 2 seperate surgeries. I don't understand why, but if she is comfortable with that and her doctor,then that is the way she should go. I want to wish you the very best of luck with your surgery. I was surprised at how easy my surgery was. And I hope yours is just as easy. God Bless. {{{HUGS}}}
   — Carolyn L.

January 22, 2004
You should always do as your surgeon suggests, however, if self-pay, I personally would want both surgeries at once to keep the costs lower (one hospital stay vs. two, one anesthesiologist vs. two, one surgeons fee vs. two,one extended leave from work vs. two, etc). Many have had tt and breast reductions at the same time. Besides, I'm a baby over pain and surgery and would prefer to get it all over at once rather than go thru a major surgery twice in less than a month!
   — Cindy R.

January 22, 2004
I had my TT and arms done at the same time. I am not considering breats, but I remember my surgoen commenting that this particular combiation of sugeries was perfect. While he does do it, he does not like to do TT and breasts at the same time because of the muscles involved. Pec muscles and Ab muscles are both large muscle groups that you do not realize how much you really use them for until you can't....he likes to do breasts and TT seperate because one of the muscle groups can compensate for the other..if both are compromised it is more difficult to move after..and keeping moving is so important.
   — Danielle M.

January 23, 2004
I know of many who have had TT and breast done at the same time. In fact, a dear friend of mine who had WLS one wek before me just had both done. She had a VERY highly respected surgeon and MAJOR reconstructive work done on breasts and abdomen- took off over 12 lbs, I think, in excess skin AND a hernia repair. The surgeon had no problem at all doing the all at the same time. So, you might consider a 2nd opinion if it's important to you. That sounds like just when you'll be recovering, you'll go down again for the count! Good luck whatever you decide.

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