How much do I have to weight to wear size 8?

I am 5'5 221 pounds and wear a size 18 jeans, 14/16 top. I would like to eventually get into a size 8. How much do you think I will have to weigh to wear this size? I started out 337 pounds and size 30/32. I am down 116 since July 1st and now the losing is reallllly slooooow. I am hoping to at least get into size 14 by Summer but would love to get into a size 8 eventually.    — Stacie B. (posted on January 26, 2004)

January 26, 2004
I am 5'6 and when I weighed about 150-155lbs I was a size 8 jean... Right now size 14 and wear a size large shirts and weigh 182lbs..... You're doing great! Take Care
   — baybekmbrly

January 26, 2004
I am currently 163 and wearing a size 6-8, but I'm 5'5" tall. I think it depends on your bone structure, body type (pear, apple, etc...) height, and bone density, and how much you exercise. Judging from your current stats, you must be a lot like me, and can carry more weight and wear smaller sizes. You may hit size 8 by 150.
   — Happy I.

January 26, 2004
Hi - I am wondering the same thing. I currently weigh 170 height 5'5 and I fit nicely into a size 12 and sometimes a size 10. I figure another 15-20 pounds should do it. Good luck to both of us!
   — Sara L.

January 26, 2004
I am down to 175lbs 5'3" and in a 12. I think by one 155 i will be in and 8! Don't be sad the weight comes off fast and you will be happy to in a 12 or 14 for that matter!!!!!!!!
   — Amy M.

January 26, 2004
I'm 5'3 and weigh 135. I'm currently wearing a loose size 8 and some size 6's. I was able to fit into a size 8 at about 145, but I imagine at 5'5 you could probably fit into an 8 at around 150-155 maybe even 160, but it all depends on your body composition. Barb 4/07/03 235/135/130
   — Barbara C.

January 26, 2004
It depends on your shape. I'm almost 5ft 8 and 171 pounds, but am still in an 18. I'm a big apple
   — Sandy A.

January 26, 2004
I am 5'7" and weigh 137. I have been wearing a size 8 and some 6's since I was 145ish or maybe under 150 pounds. Your bone structure and body shape as well as how much extra skin you have and where it settles all helps determine what size you will be at a given weight. I haven't been all that concerned with my size since I've been able to kiss Lane Bryant and the plus size departments good-bye. Good luck!!
   — Fixnmyself

January 26, 2004
It really depends on your muscle mass. I started out at 339 and a 30/32 now I am 5'5 245, size 18 or XL pants, size 14/16 Large or XL top. I have been working out with a personal trainer and have a lot of muscle. I weigh 25 more lbs than my mom but am a size smaller.
   — mrsmyranow

January 26, 2004
Just to show how different body types are. Sara Doyle mentioned she is 5'5 at 170 lbs and is in 12, sometimes 10. I'm 5'2 at 170 lbs and I'm in a 14. And of course what kind of clothes you by makes a lot of difference too. Good Luck!
   — TLLessor

January 26, 2004
ONE MORE~ I'm about 5`6 and I just hit 169 and I am wearing 10's. 12's will still fit but 10's are much more flattering. I think when I hit into the 150's I will be wearing an 8. I am pretty well balanced in my shape, fairly solid, very strong. I am so amazed. Post-op 8 mo. -89lbs.
   — Maggie M.

January 26, 2004
iam 5'6 and i weigh 169 and i wear a size 8, i carried all my weight up top and i have little legs and hips, my thighs are 19 and my hips are 37 right now, i started at 254 pounds. hope this helps.
   — shellypoe

January 26, 2004
I am 5'5. I wore a size 8 at 140. I currently weigh 128-130 and I wear a 6 and some 4's.
   — maryburton

January 26, 2004
Another thing to remember is the amount of excess skin you have. I would wear a smaller size except for the apron of skin that makes pants harder to fit in the waist. All of my clothing seems to be baggy huge in the legs and bottom. I swear I lost more weight in the tush and the breast then anywhere else. I wonder if they could just use some of that extra weight and put it in those places. -Smile wouldn't that be nice. Good luck
   — Jencastle

January 26, 2004
I am 5'7 and have been wearing most 8's since about 162lbs. Good luck!
   — Rachael B.

January 27, 2004
I'm 5'2" and I was in an 8 at 120 lbs (I'm a 6 now). I know I shouldn't pay attention to my clothing size, but it seems like even people who are my height are able to wear smaller clothes at heavier weights than me. I have a small build, so I don't understand it. I'm not complaining anymore, though--I've NEVER been under the double digits! 214/112 BELOW GOAL.
   — Krista S

January 27, 2004
It totally amazes me at times how many different weights can wear the same sizes. I'm 5'5" and 158lbs right now, still wearing a size 12. I thought I'd be in much smaller clothes once I got to this weight but I'm not. I know others that weigh more than I and wear smaller clothes so it definitley is a hard question to answer. Guess it depends on how you carried your weight and how much excess skin you have left over. However, considering I was wearing 30/32's about a year ago, I am not complaining one bit!
   — Dee ,.

January 27, 2004
Thought I'd "weigh" in on this one, too LOL! I'm 5'1", and like the last poster, weight 158 (157, actually, by this morning's scale session), but am fitting into size 10's now (snugly, but there). Just goes to show it definitely does matter how you carry it, and there is really not any one answer for every <b>body</b>!
   — sweetmana

January 27, 2004
I think it is different for everyone and it depends on your body shape as well. I now weigh 162 lbs and size 8 fits me perfectly. You would think by my weight at I would not be able to get in a 8, but I can.
   — msg217

January 27, 2004
I wore a tight size 8 at 140. It depends where your weight is distributed. It sounds like yours is on the bottom. That was the same as me.
   — Patty H.

January 27, 2004
I'm 5'4 and was wearing an 8 comfortably at 150lbs. I bounced up to 157 and wear a 10 now. I can still wear the 8s, but the 10s are more comfortable...I save the 8s as "go out" pants lol.....Congratulations on your progress! Denise 316/157
   — lily1968

January 28, 2004
I am 5'6" and currently weigh 162 pounds. I am wearing a size 10 or 12 depending on the cute. My goal is to weigh 140. I think I will probably be a size 8 at that weight. It does seems it depends on your body type as to what size you will fit into. I am small on top and big on the botton. I have got to work on my thighs..
   — Tiayuana F.

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