14 Months Post-Op, Am I getting adequate daily meals.....

I have lost 130 pounds and I have hit a plateau BIG TIME !! I exercise 5-6 days a week at 40 minutes + per day and my basic diet consists of : Breakfast- 1/2 cup oatmeal w/Milk....SNACK: 1/2 CEREAL W/MILK LUNCH: SALAD WITH MEAT ....SNACK: PROTEIN SHAKE OR BAR DINNER: 1/2 SOUP WITH PEANUT BUTTER.....SNACK : 1/2 OATMEAL WITH MILK...I lean rather towards the soups and cereals due to the fact that they go down easier and don't upset my stomach like chicken, beef, and other protein choices....As for the protein bar, I can eat an entire one without any problem at one this a normal for others to eat like this....??? At this point I cannot eat more than 1 cup other than if it is a salad or popcorn....I would appreciate any feedback on this question...Thank You....April-Michele    — april-michele D. (posted on March 9, 2004)

March 9, 2004
I had a 3 month plateau. I was getting so depressed. I had a very busy schedule and wasn't able to go to work out for two weeks. I didn't eat right and wasn't getting all my water in. Well in those two weeks I lost 9lbs. I don't know how or why but I will take it. Everyone says to change your routine. While I don't advocate stopping exercising. I am cutting back until I plateau again, then will kick it up.
   — Gail O.

March 9, 2004
Well, ok, you're asking, so I'm telling what I see. Please don't take it as a character critique, ok? Only food critique. I don't count calories myself, so I can't begin to guess how many calories you're getting presently. What I see is too much sugar and too much non-food. I learned from a banded person about "soup eaters". That is, people who eat soup (soupy things) because they can eat more of it, thinking that is a good thing. It's the opposite of what we want. We paid good money for a pouch so that we can eat small qty. So, when you say eating meats fills you up too fast, that's the point. I'm not much of a meat eater myself, but I was when I was losing. The meat does indeed form a gentle road block so that we fill up fast. Even a few bites before your veggies will work. I have nothing against oatmeal once/day, but I avoid milk entirely. Still, even just once/day oatmeal with moo is not a hideous choice. But not all day! Toooooo much sugar, too much volume, too much food, really. And it's not really giving you anything but some fiber. I'm thinking it might be making you hungry more often. Over how much time can you eat that bar or your cup of food? And of course, I only saw one protein drink in there, and you didn't say what it is or how it's made. I have nothing against PB at all, so that's a good snack. Could you replace a couple of your oatmeal/moo with maybe some string cheese or tuna on good quality crackers? Or even PB on a whole grain cracker or bread? And do protein drink (no milk, no juice) before bfast, maybe 2 hrs after lunch, maybe 2 hrs after dinner? I'm just thinking that carbs/sugars to this degree + soupy things might be your undoing when you hit that 2 yr wall. And it sounds like you are really trying to do all the "right things". It would be a shame to work that hard and not get to the finish line, you know?
   — vitalady

March 9, 2004
You asked for feedback so here it is. Your eating lacks significant quantities of protein. Your carb intake is way too high. At 14 months out you need to be finding a way to eat those good solid proteins. Have you had any bloodwork lately to see what your protein level is? I'm not trying to criticize but provide the feedback you requested. I occassionally will eat 1/2 a bowl of soup but still save room for protein. At 13+ months PO myself, I some days do way more carbs than I should but the protein intake usually stays up there. I know it is critical for me to stay healthy. I eat only food and no protein drinks because I need the full sensation that having a full pouch of solids provides. I also can eat a whole protein bar so I don't think that is out of line. Please try and revamp your eating plan to include a lot more protein. It will help get the weight loss moving again is that's your desire and keep your body healthier.
   — zoedogcbr

March 9, 2004
I totally agree with Michelle (as usual). It's all way too carb & sugar heavy, with little usable and satisfying protein. Oatmeal and soup are not bad things occasionally, but they're "slider" foods, and eventually, as your appetite builds, you'll be able to eat way too much of them. Also, the way to break a plateau is to shake things up a little, change your routine. If you want to teach yourself to eat solid proteins, try starting with maybe Wendy's chili (if you like it), then with chicken or beef, take teeny tiny bites. If you cut a tiny piece of meat, cut it in half again...makes it so much easier to chew. And, of course, take it slow. Also, how about fish? If you just cut down on the oatmeal and milk, I guarantee you'll break that plateau. Just read the carb & sugar count on the labels and you'll see why. Just some thoughts.
   — Leslie F.

March 9, 2004
Wow - I'm out 14 months too and I eat a lot different! I dont do any type of protein bars--I eat regular food, meat, complex carbs, fruit, veggies. I've been told by BTC my blood work is perfect ---however, I am at a major plateau too so I understand your frustration. I eat a lot more too. I'm not saying I'm right because the scale isnt moving. Best wishes
   — debmi

March 10, 2004
April-Michele, I am not a big fan of meat for protein (never really liked it much), but I rely a lot on tuna, or turkey pepperoni, string cheese (or a cube or two of good cheese, with good crackers -- not too many), egg beaters with cheese (or mushrooms, or with turkey bacon), or turkey chili, rolled up, thinly-sliced deli-meat, plus protein shakes now and then. See ... not much really dense meat (though I can tolerate it, I just don't care much for the taste), but lots of soft proteins that, for me, do plump up the pouch quickly, nicely, gently, and reliably. I really understand the craving for cereal-type foods, but I just do one bowl of cereal in the morning with skim milk and half a banana, and that is the only "feeding" I have all day that is not all about protein. (I've toyed with having it at dinner instead, just because I do like my cereal, but whenever I have it, it's gonna happen once at most all day and that is it.) I'd try to get away from so many oatmeal snacks (though the fiber is good), and, as suggested below, find some protein snacks that are gentle on your pouch. I'm really becoming more and more convinced, as I near that two-year wall, that the head hunger that comes screaming back down the road is really kept to a much lower "hum" in the background when muffled (gagged, even!) with protein.
   — Suzy C.

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