I exercise DAILY....most generally I get in 4 miles and weekends on occasion I walk.

six to eight miles a day. I have dropped to 130 pounds and maintained this all thru winter. Since the nicer weather is here, I now have began the routine that i just mentioned nearly two months. Now I got on the scale and I weigh 135....that is five pounds more that what I did weigh. I have not went to "junk food" or increased my caloric intake. I have good labs, but have noticed that in the mornings my hands are swelled to the point that I cannot wear my wedding my question is have I actually gained weight or is it muscle mass that is the culprit here? Any answers will be appreciated for I have this undying fear that I will turn back into the "Old Me" and I know that is a psychological problem, but I am greatly concerned what is going on here......Thank You    — april-michele D. (posted on May 2, 2004)

May 2, 2004
It sure doesn't sound like the 'old you' has returned since you aren't eating junk food or returning to old bad habits. It sounds like you are retaining fluid either from monthly water retention (if this applies to you) or you aren't drinking enough water to replenish the water you lose from the exercise you are doing. It could also be muscle gain. Have you been taking your measurements? Are your clothes fitting tighter? On days that I hit the gym, I make sure to get in 120oz of water. It sounds like you are doing fine. Keep up the great work!
   — Yolanda J.

May 2, 2004
I think you may be swelling due to the heat, if you live in a humid environment like me. I too, have increased my workouts and though I'm getting smaller size-wise, The scale stays the same or goes up a couple of pounds especially after a hard workout. I know it's muscle weight, but you're right, it plays head games with you. Try taking your measurements. This has been my focal point now that I'm 10 pounds from goal. People are telling me I'm down right skinny now, but the scale decieves me. Anyway.... I hope this helps. God bless you. Lisa A. 291/157/150 Lap RNY 5/13/03
   — Happy I.

May 2, 2004
You don't mention how long it's been since you were on the scale, so it's hard to say, but this could just be one of those oddball readings that you sometimes get (sometimes explainable by "that time of the month," or water retention due to salt intake, that sort of transitory thing). The fact that your hands are swollen in the morning makes me think you're retaining water, the solution for which is, of course, more water to flush things out. ;-)<P>If you've changed absolutely nothing else about your routine, your weight might've gone up because you're building muscle mass (a square inch of muscle weighs more than a square inch of fat, but looks a heckuva lot better on).<P>Or, I don't know how long your weight has been stable, but some do experience bounceback weight even if they *aren't* changing their eating habits (though many of us get it because we're simply eating too much of the wrong stuff and may not realize it, or may realize it but aren't stopping).<P>One other thought: How do your clothes fit? If they're the same, or looser (and do you have measurements to compare to), then it sounds like a muscle-toning thing.
   — Suzy C.

May 3, 2004
Have you increased your fluid intake since you started the exercise regimen? If not, that could explain the weight gain. Your muscles are probably holding onto water. It's important to increase your fluid intake from the 64 oz that we're supposed to get anyway- that is for someone who isn't exercising. Try adding another 20 or more ounces every day and see what happens, if you haven't already done so. Congrats on your success. lap RNY 9/11/03, 270/175/???
   — Carlita

May 4, 2004
It really sounds like fluid retention more than anything...walking/cardio will gain you some muscle mass but not enough to make you really'll gain more definition. Muscle also does NOT weigh more than fat it just takes up less space. 1lb of fat = the size of your head 1lb of muscle = the size of your fist. I'm thinking you are doing fantastic and should defineately keep it may want to add a little weight training to your routine it won't bulk you up just change your composition and the more muscle you build the more fat we burn..even at rest.
   — Deanna_K

May 5, 2004
Sounds like fluid retention is the right answer. Cut way back on sodium and no alcohol please (if you are having any - it causes retention). Do you sleep with your hands behind your head? If so, it might just be positional edema. You're probably adding some muscle, but without weight/resistance raining you're more than likely toning up and improving your cardiopulmonary status in a very big way! Ever think abiut doing a treadmill with an incline to work harder instead of walking longer/farther? That and weight training will build muscle and increase metabolic rate = increase weightloss, and sculpt you better than cardio alone. Diane N
   — DianeN

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